Hillary Clinton tells Colbert "I've never had to steal a treaty"


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has held many positions in her career, but she never had a job to do.

Clinton appeared on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" on Friday and took into account many issues regarding the country, allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh to a potentially assigned or even charged president. .

She also discussed why she thinks our democracy is in crisis, explaining the radical change in philosophy and attitude on the part of President Barack Obama to that of President Donald Trump.

"So, you've never had to steal a treaty [Obama’s] office, "joked Colbert. He was referring to the new book by journalist Bob Woodward, Fear: Trump at the White House, in which Woodward says that staff members repeatedly removed documents from Trump's office, fearing the consequences of his impulsive decisions.

"I've never had to steal a treaty on his desk, no," Clinton replied.

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