Hillary Clinton: Uncontrolled asset mid-term could lead to erosion of institutions


Clinton told Rachel Maddow about MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show" that she's worried about these trends.

The "authoritarian tendencies we have seen at work in this administration with this president, left unchecked, could very well lead to the erosion of our institutions to an extent that we would never have imagined possible here", said Mrs. Clinton.

And for Clinton, the eventuality of Trump without real control in Congress only reinforces the importance of the November elections.

"I think you will not see these attacks on our institutions, on our standards, on the rule of law that could cause lasting harm," said Clinton.

Republicans currently control both the House of Representatives and the Senate, allowing legislators to adopt many legislative priorities in the first 18 months of his term. However, history – and recent national polls – show that Democrats are poised to make progress in the House in the November elections. Presidents often suffer setbacks in the first midterm elections after their inauguration.

Clinton, who embarked on a book tour after losing to Trump, but remained quiet in electoral politics, launched the 2018 campaign. money to a number of Democratic candidates and participated in three fundraisers of the Democratic National Committee in August.

These efforts are important to ensure that Democrats act as a legislative check on Trump over the next two years of his term, Clinton said.

"We are not there yet," she said, "but that's because we have elections and these elections could not be more critical to ending the lingering threat of authoritarian tendencies ".

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