Hillary Clinton will succeed Andrew Gillum in the Florida governor's race


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to campaign alongside Florida's governor candidate Andrew Gillum in October.

The Democratic mayor of Tallahassee has confirmed reports that Clinton will join him on October 23 as part of a campaign in South Florida. Gillum approved the candidate for the democratic presidency 2016 during his campaign and spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention on his behalf.

"I am honored to have Secretary Clinton with me in Florida next month," Gillum said in a statement. "Hillary knows exactly what is at stake in this election – affordable health care, a better future for our children – and that the choice of this election could not be clearer."

Clinton is also scheduled to travel to New Jersey on October 15 to campaign on behalf of Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) In his re-election bid.

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