Pieter Hanson was mortified after learning his mom wrongly tweeted about his dating life and turned him into a viral sensation.

Even more: A cheeky photo of Hanson in his Navy uniform was making the rounds online, because – thanks to mom – he had just become the poster boy for the #HimToo movement, hashtag appearing to oppose the #MeToo movement.

"This is my son," his mom wrote in a tweet on Saturday. "He graduated # 1 in boot camp. He was awarded the USO award. He was # 1 in A school. He is a gentleman who respects women. He will not go on solo dates to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists with an axis to grind. I VOTE. #HimToo. "

TODAY talked with his brother, Jon Hanson, to learn more about what went down. Here's what he told us:

– Their mother (who the brothers are not naming) disabled her account.

– Monday night, 32-year-old Pieter, Jon, who is the most ridiculous tweet with laughter. Then, according to Jon, he hopped online to save his brother's reputation in a series of tweets. He said Pieter is indeed single but ready to go on solo dates.

– Pieter then created a Twitter account to have his say on the platform, with the appropriate handle: @thatwasmymom, Jon tweeted.

"That was my Mom," Pieter tweeted. "Sometimes the people we love do things that hurt us without realizing it .. Let's turn this around .. I respect and #BelieveWomen I never have and never will support #HimToo I'm a proud Navy vet, Cat Dad and Ally. , Twitter, your same game is on point. "

The same game he's referencing is the many "This is MY" copycat tweets that featured photos of everyone from celebrities to members of the Trump family.

Jon told USA TODAY their mom was well, but was totally wrong. She has embarrassed her life in the past, but never got political and never went viral – until now.

"I do not think she understands," Jon said. "Do not get it."

Meanwhile, Pieter is taking the viral whirlwind in stride, using his internet fame to share photos of his friends and donating money to charity.

Pieter is also a student at the University of Central Florida, Jon said. He's hoping to open his own brewery one day.

Follow Ashley May on Twitter: @AshleyMayTweets

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