#HimToo Tweet A mother lights a viral virus and her embarrassed son clarifies


Millennials are good on social media. If you are the parent of a millennium, you are able to embarrass your children on social media.

Pieter Hanson's mother showed her expertise this past weekend when, in a politically charged attempt to spring up on her 32-year-old son, she wrote a tweet describing why he would not have an appointment with him. .

It has become viral, has garnered hundreds of retweets, likes and answers, and has inadvertently placed it at the center of an Internet storm fueled by both a serious dialogue about sexual power and by an endless series of hilarious answers.

"It's my son," reads in his tweet, including a photo of him in his navy uniform. "He graduated No. 1 at the training camp. He received the U.S.O. price. He was # 1 in a school. He is a gentleman who respects women. He will not participate in solo concerts because of the current climate of false sexual accusations of radical feminists ready to do anything to succeed. I vote #HimToo. "

"I was afraid something bad would happen," Hanson said in an interview. But it was just his friends who sent him the tweet from his mother, which she then erased.

"They know me and know that it's not a good representation of who I am," he said. "People started to attack me with rather hateful messages. It was really hurtful to have these things said about me by people. "

The tweet became viral almost immediately, people using the format of the tweet to create their own versions, often more funny.

The answers came as many online women played the world's smallest violins – or other instruments – for men lamenting the dangers they face on a daily basis.

When he saw the tweet of Pieter Hanson's mother, "I do not know if I've ever laughed so much in my life," said Jon Hanson, 35, Pieter's older brother, who spoke to their parents. mother because her brother was too upset. do this. (Pieter still had not spoken to his mother on Tuesday morning.)

"She does not really understand social media," Jon Hanson said in an interview. "I worried about her and wanted to inform her, but she really did not understand how big it was."

He added: "She said that she wanted to protect her sons and that she would take responsibility for it."

Pieter Hanson created a Twitter account with the pseudonym @Thatwasmymom to try to take "a negative and turn it into a positive," he said, writing that he did not approve of what #HimToo represent.

Unlike #MeToo, #HimToo had multiple iterations.

In 2016, the hashtag has become a way for Internet users to show support for Hillary Clinton's vice-president, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia. People were tweeting #ImWithHer to refer to Mrs. Clinton and adding #HimToo to show their support for Mr. Kaine.

#HimToo has also become a way for Trump supporters to suggest that President Barack Obama be "locked up" with Mrs. Clinton. People were tweeting #LockHerUp and add #HimToo.

Then came #MeToo, created several years earlier by activist Tarana Burke and took off last October after Alyssa Milano tweeted a call to women victims of sexual assault or sexual harassment so that they tell their stories under the hashtag, and millions of them responded.

#HimToo has become a way for survivors of sexual assault to identify with the #MeToo movement. After Asia Argento, an actress who became one of the leaders of the # MeToo movement, was accused of sexually assaulting a man, Ms. Burke pointed out that the hashtag #MeToo was not only for women, but also for men.

This year, the #HimToo hashtag has changed once again. In February, after Politico published an article about President Trump's response to allegations of domestic violence against his former staff secretary, #HimToo was used as an expression of skepticism about women who say they have been assaulted.

Over the past month, the confirmation hearings of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate before Judge Kavanaugh, accused by Christine Blasey Ford and other women of sexual misconduct while in high school and college, have given new impetus at #HimToo.

During the hearings, many people tweeted #HimToo to show their support for Judge Kavanaugh and to reprimand women who, they said, had invented the story of a sexual assault to destroy a man's career.

Now, with the answer to Hanson's mother's tweet, #HimToo has taken another form: as a meme.

The brothers say that they will eventually forgive her.

"I'm mad at her, but I do not want to drag her into the mud at all," Pieter Hanson said. "She has enough feedback in return. I still love her, she is always my mother. "

And she did well at least in one respect, he said: He's really single.

"I like people who are just as kind, positive and optimistic," he said.

"If they have cats, that's cool too," Mr. Hanson said. "I'm not afraid to go out together."

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