Stephen Hawking's latest article on hairy black holes has been published online.

On Tuesday, Stephen Hawking's latest posthumous book "Brief Answers to Big Questions" was published. It details the physicist's final reflections on the biggest issues facing man.

In the book, Hawking wrote "There is no God." But this is not the first time that the scientist, who died in March, shares his convictions on the subject.

"There is no God," wrote Hawking, reported by CNN. "Nobody runs the universe."

Hawking develops this idea in greater depth, from an excerpt from the book published by the British Sunday Times:

"The question is, did the way the universe began being chosen by God for reasons that we can not understand, or was it determined by a law of science? believe the second, "wrote Hawking. "If you wish, you can call the laws of science" God, "but it would not be a personal God you would meet and ask questions."

However, Hawking's atheistic beliefs are not new. He first revealed them in 2010 after the publication of "The Grand Design" with co-author Leonard Mlodinow.

More: Brief history of Stephen Hawking's atheism

More: Paradise is a fairy tale: that's what Stephen Hawking says when people die

"Spontaneous creation is the reason why there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," he wrote in 2010.

In an interview published in May 2011 by The Guardian, Hawking compared the brain to a computer, noting that it stops working once all the components have failed. "There is no paradise or life after death for broken computers, it's a fairy tale for people who are afraid of the dark," he said.

As for his last and last book, Hawking also detailed several potential threats to humanity, including the rise of artificial intelligence and gene modification technology that could lead to the emergence of "superhuman".

Follow Brett Molina on Twitter: @ brettmolina23.

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