"His fate is in the hands of God": a Dallas woman transferred to a hospice after a plastic surgery operation in Mexico


A real estate agent from Dallas who traveled to a clinic in Mexico In October, after undergoing several cosmetic surgeries, the patient was transferred to a palliative care center late Friday night in the United States. Laura Avila "is now resting in peace and her fate is in the hands of God," said lawyer Larry Friedman in a statement to CBS News.

Enrique Cruz, Avila's fiancé, said he was at the Rino Center in Ciudad Juarez, when his healthy fiancée went for a nasal puncture and a breast implant. Some eight hours later, the doctors said that there was a problem.

"The only thing they told me was that they had to take her to the hospital because the anesthesia did not get them there. was not out of breath and they did not know why, "Cruz told Anna Werner last week at CBS News.

Laura's sister, Angie Avila, said that doctors from the Mexican hospital where her sister had been transferred, had told them that Rino's center had placed anesthesia at the wrong place in Laura's spine. that her brain had swollen, that her kidneys were out of order and that she had suffered a cardiac arrest.

"I just said," It does not happen, it can not happen, "Angie said. "Because of the brain damage she suffered, she will never be our Laura again."

The family said in a statement on Sunday: "Laura has been abused by Mexican doctors more interested in attracting American consumers to their country for the revenues generated by the promise of discounted medical services than by providing proper care to patients ".

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Enrique Cruz and Laura Avila


Laura's fiancé said she researched the clinic and found positive reviews online. Angie said they had family in Mexico and that their childhood often crossed the border to visit El Paso.

"It sounds crazy to say," Oh, they went to another country ", but for us, you know, it's home to us – it's familiar," Angie said. .

According to a study conducted in 2017, nearly 1.5 million Americans are expected to travel outside the United States for treatment. In Mexico, procedures can cost between 40 and 65% less than in the American family Laura estimates that its procedures cost about $ 8,500.

"People are looking for alternatives," said Josef Woodman, CEO of Patients Beyond Borders. "Surveillance in countries like Mexico does not meet the same standards as in the United States."

"Laura would not want her tragic experience to pass in vain," said Avila's family. "Americans seeking affordable medical services outside of the United States should carefully consider the services offered, the referrals and experience of health care providers, the risks involved, the chances of success and weigh these factors. compared to the amount of money saved when crossing borders. " her experience saves a life, so everything she's experienced is worth it. "

The family of Avila said that she wanted the Rino Center to be held responsible.

"As long as my heart beats, I'm going to make sure they're paying for what they've done and that can not happen to anyone else," said Angie.

The family did not mention whether Avila had been removed from her survival system on Sunday night.

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Laura Avila seen on an undated photo.


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