HIV, African Americans: Curative Treatment of Transmission? New study shows treatment


AAfrican Americans may have more access to revolutionary treatment in the future to avoid contracting HIV. The treatment, called Truvada for PrEP, stopping the spread of HIV in Australia, and researchers hope to test it in populations around the world, according to a new study.

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Truvada for PrEP prophylaxis or pre-exposure – a term that refers to the use of antivirals to help prevent HIV and AIDS – has been hailed as a game changer. According to new research Published by Australian researchers around the world, new HIV cases among homosexual and bisexual men have fallen by nearly a third, their lowest number ever recorded. HIV Lancet medical journal. New HIV infections increased from 149 to 102 in the state of New South Wales, Australia, in the first year after the start of the study – an unprecedented reduction that gives new hope to fight against the virus that causes AIDS.

Australian researchers examined and measured the results of Truvada, a prescription antiviral drug manufactured by Gilead Sciences Inc., in the form of a blue pill, for the first time with the study.

"The speed with which we are seeing a decline in new HIV infections among homosexual and bisexual men is a world first," said the study leader. Andrew Grulich, responsible for epidemiology and HIV prevention at the Kirby Institute of the University of New South Wales. "These numbers are the lowest ever since the beginning of HIV surveillance in 1985".

HIV rates among newly infected populations around the world have fallen to 1.8 million worldwide in 2017, a decline of more than 3 million per year during most of the 1990s. African Americans have found a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses than other races and ethnicities. In 2016, African-Americans accounted for 44% of HIV diagnoses, while they accounted for only 12% of the US population, according to the report. Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention.

Truvada for PrEP, a fixed-dose combination of tenofovir, disoproxil and emtricitabine, is increasingly being used for HIV prevention. In the United States, about 180,000 people were taking Truvada for PrEP at the end of June, Robin L. WashingtonChief Financial Officer of Gilead, told Bloomberg in July. The areas where PrEP use is most prevalent have seen some of the best reductions in the number of HIV infections, said Gilead CEO. John F. Milligan I said.

It is unclear when and how researchers could further promote the use of Truvada in the United States, but it is highly likely that African-Americans and other at-risk populations will try to follow treatment.


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African Americans who diagnose HIV can receive revolutionary treatment was originally published on

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