Hollywood mourns wizard and actor Ricky Jay


Master magician Ricky Jay, who had several ties to Hollywood since appearing in movies and on television and his company Deceptive Practices, died Saturday in Los Angeles at the age of 72.

Many Hollywood residents are among his fans and have been quick to pay tribute to him on social media.

"Rest In Peace, Ricky Jay," wrote the star of "Veep" Julia Louis-Dreyfus. "You were an unparalleled artist and an exceptionally kind soul. I'm going to miss you, xo, your friend, Louis.

Rest in peace, Ricky Jay. You were an unparalleled artist and an exceptionally kind soul. I'm going to miss you, xo, your friend, Louis.

– Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) November 25, 2018

Neil Patrick Harris praised Jay's skills: "The extent of his knowledge and appreciation of magic and related arts was truly remarkable. Such sad news, such a profound loss.

The magician and historian Ricky Jay is dead. The extent of his knowledge and appreciation for magic and related arts was truly remarkable. Such sad news, such a profound loss. #TEAR https://t.co/VRYRxhkQKKr

– Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) November 25, 2018

Twin Peaks co-creator, Mark Frost, who describes Jay as his friend and neighbor for 30 years, wrote that "an irreplaceable world of arcane history, theatrical passion and his singular genius and successful goes with him ".

I just learned that we lost Ricky Jay today, my friend and neighbor for 30 years. An irreplaceable world of arcane history, theatrical passion and singular and singular genius passes with him. RIP buddy. #rickyjay

– Mark Frost (@ mfrost11) November 25, 2018

Michael McKean called it "one of a kind".

Joe Mantegna, the star of "Criminal Minds", tweeted that "the world has really lost some of its magic today."

TEAR. my dear friend Ricky Jay. The world has really lost some of its magic today.

– Joe Mantegna (@JoeMantegna) November 25, 2018

Author Neil Gaiman recounted seeing Jay for the first time: "It was a remarkable night, as fascinating for storytelling as magic."

The first time I saw Ricky Jay, @wossy I took him to see his 52-friend show on stage at the Old Vic. It was a remarkable night, as fascinating for the stories as for the magic. #RIPRickyJay

– Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) November 25, 2018

Filmmaker Errol Morris simply wrote, "Oh no. My friend Ricky Jay is gone. "

Several have reported working with Jay in film or on television.

The executive producer of "The X-Files", Frank Spotnitz, explained that the creators of the series "wrote" The Amazing Maleeni ", especially for him, fans eager to share his sleight of hand with the audience of @TheXFiles.

Ricky Jay was truly incomparable, both in his knowledge of his craft and in his execution. We wrote "The Amazing Maleeni" especially for him, fans eager to share his sleight of hand with @TheXFiles public. He was the definition of the word "master". pic.twitter.com/0yOnOp4RTV

– Frank Spotnitz (@FrankSpotnitz) November 25, 2018

Jim Beaver remembers working with Jay on Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia and HBO's Deadwood. "I was able to see his incredible near prestidigital talents like his character Eddie …"

I've worked with Ricky Jay twice, in the movie MAGNOLIA and in the DEADWOOD series, in which I've been able to see his incredible near prestidigital talents like his character Eddie … https://t.co / WTPmQYIHbW

– Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) November 25, 2018

Christopher McQuarrie, director of "Mission Impossible", expressed gratitude for his contribution as a consultant on "Rogue Nation": "A casual comment that he did inspired the climax of the sequence of the It is safe to say that it would not be the same scene without him.

I was fortunate to have the legendary Ricky Jay as a consultant on Rogue Nation. A spontaneous comment that he did inspired the apogee of the opera sequence. It's safe to say that it would not be the same scene without him.

He was the best of an endangered breed.

– Christopher McQuarrie (@chrismcquarrie) November 25, 2018

See more reactions below.

So emptied to hear about the passing of Ricky Jay. One of the kindest humans I've met. Had a glorious smile and laugh. Could listen to his stories for hours. He lived and breathed history. He was beyond special but never showed it. Really unique in its kind. #tear

– Colin Hanks (@ColinHanks) November 25, 2018

I watch videos of Ricky Jay when I fight a panic attack and / or I can not sleep at night. Seeing the natural trust that can only come from a complete understanding of a form of art and its history immediately puts me at ease. It was a giant. https://t.co/JRvTLGemvJ

– Downtown Griffy Newmz (@GriffLightning) November 25, 2018

Sorry to hear about Ricky Jay's death. He had the chops well. I saw him and his "52 assistants" (in an air-conditioned tent to keep his fingers dry) and was swept away. Impossible feats. His book "Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women" is a masterpiece.

– Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) November 25, 2018

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