Hollywood producer Terry Rossio under fire for comparing the label "Anti-Vaxxer" to N-Word


The Hollywood screenwriter behind Pirates of the Caribbean and Shrek is at the center of a storm in social media after using a racial insult to defend parents who choose not to vaccinate their children.

In response to a fellow scriptwriter who called for increased participation in vaccination, producer and scriptwriter Terry Rossio wrote, "My thoughts are with all parents of children injured by the vaccination, who must not only support sadness of their loss, but also the vitriol of uninformed and insensitive people (like those here). Anti-Vax is equivalent to calling someone a n ***** and does not make sense. "

Rossio spelled the epithet.

When the writer who started the conversation asked Rossio to "please, never come back on my wire with the word", Rossio doubled, arguing that the stigma Afro faces -Americans is similar to those who refuse to vaccinate their children against scientifically discredited fears of autism.

Rossio's many critics – the tweet received more than a thousand responses – include a fellow writer, Jeffrey Grubb, who responded with acidity: "My God, this is such a good point. I remember how American founders and citizens enslaved vaccine skeptics for decades. And then, even after they have been released, the government has passed laws to marginalize vaccine deniers and deny them wealth and opportunity. It's just history. "

Another Twitter user told Rossio that his comment prompted him to donate $ 25 to a non-profit organization that vaccinated children around the world.

Rossio, whose credits include Aladdin and The Solitary Ranger, as well as the next film adaptation Johnny Quest, did not respond to a request for comment. Two years ago he would have acquired the rights to a book by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, whose work linking vaccines to autism has been repudiated by the scientific community.

"Dr. Wakefield is clearly a polarizing figure, despised by the general public but also revered by many. The details and the drama that surround his life are even more remarkable than we know, "said Rossio at the time.

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