Homophobic bigot who attacked two gay men turns into police


The bigot who randomly attacked two homosexuals in Williamsburg – insulting them and then deafening them – was arrested on Wednesday, the police said.

Brandon McNamara, 25, traveled to the seventh district, where the NYPD Hate Crimes Working Group was located around 8:00 am with his lawyer, the police said.

McNamara, of Queens, on Sunday morning attacked two openly gay men, ages 29 and 30, while they were walking from the Metropolitan Bar in Brooklyn, police said. According to police and witnesses, he called them "f – s" before knocking them out.

"He just punched me and was drunk," said the 30-year-old victim, who asked not to be identified, recounting the assault.

This victim was taken to Bellevue Hospital with a fractured shoulder, while the other man being attacked was taken to Woodhull Medical Center for a broken finger.

McNamara has been charged with assault as a hate crime, two assault, aggravated harassment as a crime of hatred and harassment as a crime of first and second degree hate, police said. .

He was scheduled to appear before a judge on Wednesday.

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