Homophobic excuses for Eminem's slogan: this is what he should do next


Yesterday, in a multipart interview, Eminem admitted that he regretted using a homophobic speech on "Fall," a piece from his latest album, Suicide bomber.

The line ("Tyler creates nothing / I see why you called a f —- t, bitch") was made at Tyler, The Creator, after rapper Odd Future tweeted which was widely believed to be a negative critique of the release of "Walk on Water" from Em in 2017. In the interview, Shady explained, "I think the word that I'm l & # 39; I called on this song was one of things to be too far. Because in my quest to hurt him, I realize that I hurt many others by saying it. He even added that he even guessed before the exit, which is why the slur seems deformed on the track.

This is not the first time the rapper has used homophobic insults in his work, and this is not the first time he's been called for it. In the past, Eminem has tried to absolve his sins with advertising collabos (crying out his 2001 rendition alongside Elton John) or to defend his word choices through his own interpretations ("This kind of rappin 'words or something else, I've never equated those words [with being gay]… it was more like calling someone a bitch or a punk or an asshole, "he said. Rolling stone in 2013).

But this East The first time, Eminem seems to understand the gravity of his actions. After nearly 20 years as a superstar, he is without doubt one of the most important musicians of our time, with first-week sales of Suicide bomber marking the fourth week of an album in 2018 (434,000 equivalent album units), it is clear that people are still listening to what he has to say. With this new interview, Eminem finally reports that he understands his role as influential figure who has the power to change culture.

It certainly comes as a relief. But given its history of choice of pejorative words, I encourage Eminem to do more with its platform. Less than a month ago, a nine – year – old child committed suicide after being bullied. The children who mocked him for his sexuality are not born like that; Homophobia is learned. And given the age of the child, it is fair to assume that the parents of his classmates grew up at a time when insults from artists like Em were regularly being broadcast on radio and elsewhere. Take, for example, these particularly belligerent measures of "Criminal", a cut of 2000 The Marshall Mathers LP: "Whether you are a f-g or a lez / or a homosexual, an hermaphrist or a trans-a-vest / pants or dress / hate f-gs? / The answer is yes, "he says.

This track has nearly two decades, but Em fans continue to treat his word of gospel. Each comment section criticizing the insulting use in "Fall" was filled with insulting remarks by supporters defending their hip-hop hero. It would be inspiring to see Eminem do something with his power, something that moves the discussion of LGBTQ issues forward in hip-hop and perhaps even influences his fans to open up to things they would not have. never bothered to consider.

The most obvious way that Shady could begin to right his wrongs is to donate "Fall" to an LGBTQ organization, like the Trevor project. The group focuses on suicide prevention efforts and offers a toll-free phone number that connects youth in crisis with trained counselors. A generous donation could help the non-profit organization develop TrevorText and TrevorChat, initiatives that make it even easier for young people to connect with the help they need.

Eminem could also use its platform to help make hip-hop more inclusive for LGBTQ artists. Giving a strange independent artist the opportunity to spit a verse on his next album would offer invaluable visibility in a genre known for his disregard for LGBTQ performers. To be clear, I do not claim a "Kumbaya" moment in the vein of Macklemore or Logic; the thought of something so potentially hokey Slim is commendable. Instead, Em could team up with Roy Kinsey or Dai Burger or Quay Dash – promising MCs who are one of the main co-signers of the blast. He might also consider hiring an independent singer such as Ah-Mer-Ah-Su, Sienna Liggins or Dizzy Fae for a catch, both his collaborations "Love the Way You Lie" and "Monster" with Rihanna.

Finally, if Eminem wants to show his new ability to awaken, he must absolutely remove derogatory insults from his words. And this also applies to loopholes: no more creative censorship of words; no more suggesting the words; No need to use LGBTQ idenities as a starting point. It's 2018. Do better.

For a rapper of higher-caliber words, there are surely more creative ways for the former combat rapper to shoot down someone – and after all the odds he's had, it's time to show his growth.

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