Honda invests in Cruise, Mr. M.'s company in autonomous cars


Honda is partnering with General Motors to develop fully autonomous vehicles.

The Japanese automaker has agreed to acquire a $ 750 million stake in Cruise, GM's self-driving unit, and to contribute $ 2 billion to the project over the next 12 years.

"Together, we can provide Cruise with the world's best design, engineering and manufacturing expertise and global reach to position them as the leader in autonomous vehicle technology," said Mary T. Barra, Executive Director. from GM

Earlier this year, SoftBank, the Japanese technology and investment company, invested $ 2.25 billion in Cruise. As part of this deal, G.M said he would invest an additional $ 1.1 billion in his unit, known as G.M. Cruise Holdings and is based in San Francisco. SoftBank's investment was made through its Vision Fund, which focuses on the technology sector.

"With the support of General Motors, SoftBank and Honda, Cruise has all the resources it needs to carry out its mission of safely deploying stand-alone technology around the world," said Kyle Vogt, Managing Director of Cruise.

After the transaction, the value of Cruise will be estimated at $ 14.5 billion. I said.

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