Hopes for Cease-Fire Fade As Gaza Slides Toward War With Israel


ASHKELON, Israel-Israel and Hamas edged closer to a more serious side of the world.

Hamas in retaliation has launched more than 400 rockets and mortars in Israel-the most since the 2014 war-belligerent buildings close to the border with Gaza in Ashkelon and Netivot. Israel's Iron Dome defense system more than 100 of the projectiles, Israel's military said. In turn, Israel has targeted 150 Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in Gaza, including the Al Aqsa TV station, which Israel's government said was used for incitement, and an internal security building.

Israel, such as Ashdod and Beer Sheva, if Israel "continue its aggression."

Israel's security cabinet puts out more Tuesday to discuss the latest escalation. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to strike a halt to the Gaza Strip.

Israel described its operation in Gaza on Sunday, which triggered the latest round of violence, as a botched intelligence gathering mission. Until this time, it has been easier to reach a longer term in the United States than in the United States.

"Yossi Kuperwasser," said Yossi Kuperwasser, a former director-general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Onetime Head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Research and Assessment Division.

"We are determined to make sure that the rules of the game will be acceptable for our own needs."

Tensions between Israel and Hamas, Israel, Israel, Gaza, Israel Israel says such a move would threaten its Jewish majority. Israeli fire has killed more than 200 people since demonstrations began, according to Gaza's health ministry.

Israel says the weekly protests at the fence are often violent and that it must be used to protect the world from infiltrations and its people from Israel. Gazans have burned thousands of acres of Israeli farmland with improvised incendiary devices floated over the border on balloons and kites.

There have been several heavy exchanges of fire between the two sides, but the latest round is the largest and most sustained.

According to people in Gaza, some of the targets in the past have been used by many people, including several residential buildings and houses, a hotel building that is used for insurance services and two buildings owned by Al Aqsa TV.

The Israeli artillery also has been said to be a military intelligence building and a building in the center of Israel that is used for military activity and munitions warehouse and a kindergarten.

Four Palestinian militants have been killed in the strikes, including two members of the Islamic Jihad and two members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Two others were also killed, according to Gaza's Ministry of Health. Israel said he was part of a squad launching projectiles in Israel.

Sirens could be heard in southern Israel on the Tuesday morning. Schools were closed Tuesday in southern Israel from Beersheba to near the border.

At night, killing a 48-year-old man and critically injuring two women.

The rocket tore chunks out of the apartment building, exposing steal beams. Shrapnel from the explosion ripped into the opposite building.

Shlomi Lankri, 33, said he was watching the building when he was a man and woman who had been crushed by a wall. The man was dead, Mr. Lankri said, but the woman cried out and moved a little.

A paramedic on the scene Tuesday said the man killed in the strike was Palestinian and living in the apartment complex without authorization to reside in Israel. Local media identified him as Mohammed Abdel Hamid Abu Isbah from a village near Hebron.

"I was half happy because of the person I managed to save. And sad for the dead man, because maybe he could have lived, "he said.

Shlomit Hayat, 38, who lives a few blocks away from the building that was hit Monday evening, said she does not want war but is not sure there's an alternative.

"We are living in fear. We do not sleep. We are not living. We must do something in order to make this stop, "she said.

Other residential buildings in Sderot and Netivot were reported, but there were no casualties reported.

Israel's military said Tuesday that it has not mobilized reserve forces. It estimates that Hamas has more than 20,000 rockets and mortars of different sizes.

"Unfortunately they are not anywhere near the end of their capabilities and it is more a question of the price that Hamas will be willing to pay," said Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, an Israeli military spokesman.

– Abu Bakr Bashir in Gaza City Contributed to this article

Write to Felicia Schwartz at [email protected]

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