Hospital infections go down a little


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By Maggie Fox

American hospitals may have made a little progress in fighting one of the biggest problems threatening patients: infections they get while in the hospital.

A new survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the rate of hospital acquired infections has gone down a little bit.

“We see things going in the right direction,” said Dr. Shelley Magill, who led the CDC study team.

In 2011, when the CDC last did a survey, about 4 percent of patients got an infection in the hospital. Now that number is 3.2 percent, the CDC team reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“Patients’ risk of having a healthcare associated infection was 16 percent lower in 2015 than in 2011,” the CDC-led team wrote.

The numbers are still enormous. That 4 percent of hospitalized patients with a healthcare associated infection extrapolated to 648,000 patients across the country in 2011.

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