House and Senate Latest, Cruz Rally, Florida Debate: 15 Days to Go


Can Republicans keep the House? Will Democrats swipe the Senate? Which state is being made Great Again with the next presidential visit? It's Monday, Oct. 22, Trump and Cruz are friends again, and there are 15 days until the midterm elections.

• Democrats hope for a mega-wave on Election Day. They can still get one. But at present, these strategies are of the utmost importance. Democrats need 23 to flip the chamber.

• In the Senate, Republican officials say they will be more likely to vote – more 51 – 49 majority. Why? Two reasons.

They think the oven G.O.P. Senate seats with serious races (Arizona, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas) are now, or at least, long, Arizona – or are, at worst, tossups. The New York Times Upshot-Siena College polls on those four races indicate the same.

• Mr. Trump sounds like a man who thinks he has a winning hand. He is attacking the migrant "caravan" relentlessly as Republicans search for an issue to the Democratic focus on protecting pre-existing conditions coverage.

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