House committee will force Fusion Glenn Simpson's GPS to testify and plead the 5th


WASHINGTON (CNN) – The Judiciary Committee plans to force GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson to appear next week to the Fifth in response to a subpoena.

A Republican House Judiciary Committee helps said CNN the committee expects him to appear in compliance of the subpoena, even though Simpson's lawyer said he would not answer questions before the panel.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes used similar tactics when his panel subpoenaed Simpson last year, but he finally testified before that committee voluntarily.

Simpson rejected a House Judiciary Committee subpoena

"He will instead invoke his constitutional rights under the First and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution," the letter said.

In the letter, addressed to Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Simpson's lawyers question the motives of the committee's investigation, asserting that the "inquiry is not designed to discover the truth."

"The obvious – and at times explicitly stated – goal of this Committee is to be discredited by the state of the art. A hostile foreign power and who demands that the Justice Department stop investigating him, "the letter continues.

Since it was first interfered with in the 2016 election, there have been multiple investigations into possible collusion between Trump campaign associates and the Kremlin. President Donald Trump has repeatedly denied all accusations of collusion.

Fusion GPS is the firm that commissioned an opposition research dossier on Trump and Russia written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, parts of which remain unconfirmed. Trump has dismissed the file as "fake" and "fraudulent."

The letter claims "The committee claims that it has not been widely reported, and that it has only recently been published. It also notes that Simpson has previously testified before three congressional committees.

"Mr. Simpson of 'lying' – this is a matter for the Committee of the Whole. the letter said. "Thus, the service of a subpoena on Mr. Simpson for a closed-door deposition by politicians who have already exhibited abundant bad faith leaves with no other decision than to stand on the ground of the First and Fifth Amendments not to testify. "

The letter identifies the proposed date of the deposition as October 16. In late September, Simpson's attorney feels a similar commentary to the committee when he declined to a voluntary interview, which prompted the subpoena from Goodlatte.

GPS Fusion also waged a short battle over subpoenas from the House. Simpson has testified before the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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