House GOP calls Rosenstein to Capitol Hill, says conservative lawmaker


Republicans in the House call Deputy Attorney General Rod. J. Rosenstein returns to Capitol Hill and summons him to appear if he does not show, according to Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), Who tweeted early Friday that there was an agreement with the GOP leadership for the plan.

"The leadership agreed to call Rod J. Rosenstein before Congress. . . to explain his alleged comment on "the cabling" of POTUS – as well as other inconsistent statements, "wrote Meadows, referring to President Trump. "If Mr. Rosenstein does not show up, we'll summon him to appear."

The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) And the Chair of the Government's Supervisory and Reform Commission, Trey Gowdy (RS.C.) did not immediately respond to requests for comments. The Judiciary, Control and Reform Committees of the Government conducted a joint investigation into the conduct of the FBI and the Ministry of Justice in their investigations of alleged Trump relations in Russia and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using a private mail server.

A spokeswoman for the House Speaker, Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), Said Friday morning that the judicial committee "calls the shots" and that "we support the president of the judiciary".

The memos kept by former FBI deputy director, Andrew McCabe, indicated that Rosenstein was proposing to secretly register the president, potentially as part of a plan to remove him from office. under the 25th Amendment. Rosenstein vehemently denied having ever proposed anything like this, but offered to resign as a result of the reports. He should meet with Trump next week to discuss the issue.

Reports suggesting that Rosenstein would have registered Trump sparked a firestorm by conservative Republicans, who had accused the deputy attorney general of handing over requested documents as part of an investigation into the Justice Department and the FBI . During the summer, these Republicans tried to get a vote on a resolution to attack Rosenstein, but in recent weeks their crusade against the Deputy Attorney General has lost the support of senior GOP officials, saying the DOJ Rosenstein complied with the requests.

But in recent days, senior GOP officials have backed Conservative Republicans' demands for more information. On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee cited McCabe's notes, as well as several documents related to the FBI's request to monitor former campaign adviser Trump, Carter, and documents on the investigation of the case. Department of Justice of Russia. a bipartisan group of congressional and intelligence committee leaders who receive the most sensitive intelligence briefings.

An agreement by GOP leaders to call Rosenstein to put an end to any lingering speculation that the House would plan a vote to warn Rosenstein in recent days that legislators are in town, before leaving Washington for a campaign period. -intermediate. Meadows' tweet did not say exactly when he expected Rosenstein to appear on Capitol Hill, but it will surely be after most lawmakers are absent from Washington.

Earlier this week, Meadows said he wanted Rosenstein to testify next week. On Thursday, Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said that he thought Republicans "were moving in the right direction to bring Mr. Rosenstein to Congress" and that he "s going to the polls. was waiting for Rosenstein to meet the legislators "soon".

Jordan also added joint committee plans next week to meet with former FBI counsel James Baker. Lawmakers are also expected to meet in the third week of October with Nellie Ohr, a former Fusion GPS contractor, the firm behind a dossier detailing Trump's alleged personal and commercial ties to Russia, according to two members. Ohr is married to Bruce Ohr, a Justice Department official who has met several times with former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who compiled the information contained in the file.

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