House GOP weighs scorn against the key witness in the FBI's probes


House Republicans strongly suggested that they would seek to hold former FBI attorney Lisa Page in contempt of Congress unless she agrees to testify Friday on her role in the polls FBI on emails from Hillary Clinton and President Trump's alleged links. . Mark Meadows (RN.C.) said the Judiciary Committee of the House should give Page's opportunity to testify publicly on Thursday alongside Peter Strzok, the former senior FBI counter-espionage official with who exchanged anti-Trump texts. Alternatively, Meadows said, the committee will give Page the opportunity to testify in camera on Friday in a transcribed interview.

"Apart from that, contempt would be our only option," said Meadows. Ryan (R-Wis.) Said Wednesday that he would support the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Who promised "to use all the tools at our disposal to get his testimony ", he decided to continue punitive.

"Statements to appear before Congress are not optional," Ryan said, promising that "we will do what we must do to protect this branch of government."

Page, who worked for Andrew McCabe He was deputy director of the FBI and briefly sat on the team of special advocate Robert S. Mueller III, "was part of the mess that we discovered at the Department of Justice," said Ryan. "She has an obligation to come in. If she wants to come to plead the Fifth, it's her choice, but a subpoena to appear before Congress is not optional; the attention of legislators on the anti-Trump text messages that she exchanged with Strzok, which were unveiled during the email survey of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Justice Mr. Strzok, who has previously appeared before the Judiciary and Government Reform Committees behind closed doors, is expected to testify publicly before the courts on Thursday.

The Judiciary Committee of the House has issued a summons Her lawyer, Amy Jeffress, responded by stating that Page needed a "clarification of the scope of the Committee's interest in questioning and accessing relevant documents". before an interview with the groups Ms. J Effress added that the Department of Justice had received the word "after 11 pm" only Tuesday that she would have access to the documents she needed for Wednesday's interview.

Jeffress accused groups of using unnecessary "intimidation tactics" to push Page Interviewers immediately, especially when "she offered to voluntarily appear before committees later this month." [19659007] "There is no reason to pretend that Lisa has anything to hide or is not willing to testify. The record shows the opposite, "Jeffress said in the statement, noting that Page had already cooperated with the Inspector General probe and another congressional panel." We expect that they will accept a another date for Lisa to appear before the Committees in the near future. "

But Republicans dispute this chronology: Several GOP legislators have pointed out that Page had known for seven months that committees wanted to interview him; She also argued that she had all the information she needed for an unclassified interview much earlier than her attorney had claimed.

Meadows also accused this page of "making it very difficult to to serve him a summons. "19659013]" The idea that she was willing to come voluntarily and that's all about the document review that she had the ability to to examine p seven months – many of whom she wrote, from elsewhere – he does not hold the water, "said Meadows, complaining that a US Marshal was to hand over the subpoena early in the morning.

Top Democrat House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY), suggested Wednesday that "the real reason" Republicans weighed contempt measures against Page was to "put up a dramatic thing" before Strzok's public interview on Thursday. Should they really attempt to insult Page, said Nadler, a judge "would probably expel him", because he had not been given enough time to revise the documents

"C & # Is open and closed, "he added. ] For more information, see PowerPost

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