HOUSTON – Major League Baseball on Wednesday cleared the Houston Astros for any illegal activity, but ordered them to stop monitoring suspected cheating teams using electronic equipment to steal placards.

Astros CEO Jeff Luhnow vehemently denied any wrongdoing at an impromptu press conference, saying the Astros had never resorted to illegal surveillance to steal signs, but only to determine whether their opponents were cheating. Luhnow said the team had reported several incidents last season at the MLB's commissioner's office.

"We were playing in defense, we were not playing on offense," said Luhnow, "we wanted to make sure the rules of the game were the same for everyone." We look around to make sure there's nothing wrong with it. There is nothing suspicious, we want to make sure we get stolen.

"So we do it in all the stages where we go. We send a member of the travel team to go to the central field, examine a suspicious area or a particular monitor. I'm sure other clubs are doing it too, but we're just trying to protect ourselves as best we can. …

"We identified several suspicious activities and reported them to the MLB. We have examined the situation ourselves in some cases. It's happening there. I will not talk about which teams.

"I have the impression that this is part of the game, a structure of the game, for a long time. I think technology (is) an effective means of communication and a way to capture real-time information that was not available to teams five or ten years ago. So, we are all learning to operate in this new world and MLB is learning to make sure rules are in place. "


The Astros used an employee to monitor the Boston Red Sox's canoe with a mobile phone camera from the first-runner's well in the first three rounds of the American League Championship game 1 at Fenway Park. The safety of the Red Sox, who was informed by the Cleveland Indians that this employee – identified as Kyle McLaughlin by Yahoo Sports – would be trying to steal signs, escorted from the zone to the third inning. McLaughlin, who is listed by the Astros as a social media employee, erased him from his biography late Tuesday night after Boston Metro reported the incident.

A second incident was reported by the Indians during the AL Division series, according to Cleveland.com.

Luhnow said the Astros had used a trainee, a student, to control the opposing teams and make sure that there was no illegal activity. The trainee was taking pictures of the Indian canoe and then at Fenway Park, when the trainee was removed from play by Red Sox safety.

The commissioner's office investigated both incidents and concluded that the Astros were only staying vigilant and not violating the MLB's policy.

"A thorough investigation found that an Astros employee was monitoring the ground to make sure the opposing club did not break any rules," MLB said in a statement released Wednesday. "All clubs remaining in the playoffs have been asked to refrain from this type of match, and address any complaints about any violation of stadium rules to MLB staff for investigation and resolution.

"We consider that the case is closed.

"Before the playoffs, a number of clubs have called the commissioner's office about the theft of signs and the inappropriate use of video material," MLB said in its release. "The concerns expressed concerned a number of clubs, not a particular club." In response to these calls, the Office of the Commissioner has strengthened the existing rules in all the playoff clubs and has taken proactive measures, including the introduction of a new ban. to use certain cameras in the stadiums, increasing the presence of operations staff and the security of the Major League Baseball, post-season games and instituting a video surveillance program of the club's video rooms. "

Luhnow denies the accusations of other clubs, insisting that it is simply jealousy after the Astros win at the 2017 World Championships and that they are now trying to reproduce at the ALCS.

"I think what happens is when a team is successful," said Luhnow, "people are looking at her to try to understand what motivates her. Our success is motivated by our excellent starting rotation, excellent bullpen and excellent composition. very well understand the Major League Baseball rules regarding the theft of placards: we respect them, we have respected them and we plan to continue to respect them.

"We have an excellent organization. We did things correctly. We will continue to do things right. "

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