Houston company recalls salad with chicken products


HOUSTON (AP) – A Houston-based company has recalled nearly 1,800 pounds (817 kilograms) of ready-to-eat salad with chicken products because a corn ingredient could be contaminated with salmonella and listeria.

The US Department of Agriculture said GHSW had recalled salads prepared from October 1 to last Thursday, with the "best by" or "best if sold" dates on Sunday or Monday.

No cases of illness have been reported.

Salads bearing the "P-44056" mark from the USDA have been shipped to Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. Items include some products sold under the labels Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.

Salmonella can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. Listeriosis can cause diarrhea, fever, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions.


Articles include:

– 10 ounce (283.49 grams) packets of "Chopped Ground Chicken Salad with Chicken"

– 8-ounce (226.79-gram) packets of "CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN FAJITA SALAD OF 365 BY ALL FEEDED"

– 13-ounce (368.54-gram) packages of "WHOLE SEASONED CHICKEN SALAD AT THE BBQ OF TRADER JOE & # 39; S BBQ"

– 10.7 ounces (303.33 grams) of Joe's Merchant's Fresh Chopped Chicken Salad with Grilled White Chicken


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15 Common food poisoning risks

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Each year, 48 million Americans, or about one in six people, are diagnosed with foodborne illness, and about 3,000 cases a year are deadly. Find out which common foods have the highest risk of food poisoning.

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In the United States, between 1998 and 2010, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) reports that chicken was responsible for 452 outbreaks that left 6,896 people unwell, more than any other product meat or poultry. Most outbreaks are caused by Clostridium perfringens bacteria in poorly prepared or rested foods for too long, and by Salmonella bacteria, which often contaminate poultry during slaughter and processing.

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Ground beef

Ground beef presents a very high risk of foodborne illness because contamination with E. coli strains. Antibiotic resistant coli and Salmonella can result in hospitalization, severe symptoms with long-term effects on health or death.

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Most of the diseases due to egg consumption are due to Salmonella, causing the disease of over 11,000 people between 1990 and 2006. The federal regulations of the 1970s reduced the transmission of Salmonella due to contamination. Fecal external shells, but the most common type, Salmonella enteritidis, infects the ovaries. of hens in good health and is transmitted to the egg even before the shell is formed. Eating your eggs raw or flowing can increase your risk of disease.

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Scombroid is the leading cause of illness for tuna dishes and occurs when poorly stored fresh fish begin to break down and release natural toxins. The epidemic alert of SCPI! The database shows that more than 2,300 people reported cases of scombroid poisoning that could lead to symptoms such as abdominal cramps, nausea, and diarrhea.

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Most of the oyster cases occurred in the restaurant and are attributed to Norovirus and Vibrio bacteria. Although other foods may be contaminated with norovirus as a result of improper handling, oysters can recover the bacteria in the waters where they are harvested, making them risky if they are served raw or undercooked.

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CSPI reports that pork (other than ham, sausage and barbecue) has sickened more than 2,000 people between 1998 and 2010, and that most swine diseases were Salmonella-related. It is interesting to note that more outbreaks occurred in consumers' homes than in restaurants (40% vs. 24%).

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From 1998 to 2010, 130 turkey-related food outbreaks resulted in 4,349 documented diseases (second only to chicken among meat and poultry products), most commonly attributed to Clostridium perfringens. CSPI explains that outbreaks in November and December are due to improper handling of turkey holiday meals that have been left too long at room temperature.

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Potato outbreaks occur in potato salads and other potato dishes, and more than 30% of potato-related outbreaks are related to Salmonella. Since these dishes contain many ingredients, the contamination can come from one of the raw ingredients or from improper handling of a raw meat or poultry ingredient.

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Other beef products (not steak, chopped or roasted)

According to the CSPI, other beef products, such as beef jerky, beef stroganoff and chipped beef, resulted in 99 outbreaks and at least 2,414 illnesses between 1998 and 2010. An improper handling after cooking can explain most cases of disease.

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Beef or pork barbecue

The barbeque method is unique in that it cooks under low indirect heat and requires handling after cooking. The CSPI study on meat-related foodborne diseases considers that there is a medium risk of causing the disease of nearly 2,500 people between 1998 and 2010, often caused by agents pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens, which may indicate mishandling. In addition, nearly 40% of these outbreaks occurred in a restaurant.

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Roast beef

Roast beef, beef brisket or traditional roast involves roasting thick meat cuts in a shallow pan, boiling on a stove, or cooking on a closed grill. According to the CSPI, 2470 people were sick after consuming roast beef between 1998 and 2010, and more than half were infected with Clostridiium perfringens, a sign that the meat had remained at room temperature for too long before it was too late. to be served.

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The cheese may be contaminated with pathogens during production and most cases of disease were caused by Salmonella. Nowadays, cheese is made with pasteurized milk, which reduces the risk of disease. However, unlicensed manufacturers can still use unpasteurized milk. Consumers should therefore be wary, especially for Latin American type cheeses such as queso fresco and queso oaxaca.

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The popular cooking method for steaks is cooking, when the surface of the meat is cooked over high heat for a short time. Surface pathogens are killed, which could explain the 82 foodborne outbreaks that caused nearly 2,000 diseases between 1998 and 2010. More than half of these diseases were related to E. coli infections. .

Image Credit: Corbis / Clinton Hussey

Greens Hardwoods

In a review of a decade of data on foodborne outbreaks in the United States, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that leafy vegetables were the source of the most many diseases, surprisingly exceeding the categories of animal feeds such as beef and poultry. The Norovirus pathogen, which can contaminate foods when they are handled by a sick person, is causing 46% of these diseases.

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Ice cream

The biggest ice cream-related epidemic occurred in 1994, when an ice cream maker used the same truck to transport unpasteurized liquid eggs and a premix of pasteurized ice cream. The Salmonella-contaminated premix has been used in ice cream products that have left thousands of people sick in 41 states. Artisanal ice cream is another major source of food poisoning due to the use of undercooked eggs.

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