Houston, Ryan Gosling And 'First Man' Have A Problem

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First ManCourtesy Universal Pictures

Theories abound as to why Damien Chazelle's First Man $ 16.5 million and more at the box office Goosebumps franchise for third place.

Marco Rubio to President Trump. The film can be seen from the back of the world. It could have been made to an advertising and advertising campaign that made the film seem rather dull and plodding. Or perhaps most Americans did not find that they were compelling about Neil Armstrong getting them to their local Roku remotes and head to their local multiplexes.

Most industry trades and mainstream media today First Man use their critical reviews, Oscar buzz and positive word-of-mouth to leg out lengthy theatrical runs. In 2015, for example, The Martian $ 54 million and up to 4 times multiplier (total theatrical gross divided by opening weekend) to $ 228 million in North America. Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity Went one to five times multiply en route to $ 274 million at the domestic box office.

But here's the problem for First Man. The Cinemascore for Gravity was A- and for The Martian it was a straight A. Unfortunately, First Man's Cinemascore was B +. While it may not be possible to say that it is going to be a film, it is a film that is going to be written in English. pun, out of this world. First ManRT grade was 88, enviable but to put it in context, it was only a few points higher than the grade for Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.

Speaking of staying in theaters, First Man's second huge hurdle to profitability will be the release schedule that the industry is facing for the next several weeks. The Ryan Gosling is in the box office this weekend but, because Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween. A film's per screen is more important for its playtime than its overall gross. How it is works with holdovers is that if, for example, an exhibitor has a 10 screen theater and has two new movies to the seven highest-grossing films. First Man is already sitting in fourth position and will face an onslaught of Thanksgiving. And that does not take into account Can You Ever Forgive Me, Boy Erased gold A Private War.

What is all the way First Man to remain in theaters, as many are pointed out to the profitability of the film, is extremely suspect. Over the coming weeks, the movie will move to both the box office chart and Fandango movie listings. It will also be relegated to rapidly declining auditorium sizes within each complex. And a B + Cinemascore and a Rotten Tomatoes grade of 88, while certainly solid, will not be enough to allow it to percolate and simmer either in movie theaters or in the minds of moviegoers. More, the movie will not be able to hold onto its IMAX screens by Jim Curtis' return to the Halloween franchise this coming Friday. Finally, the film should not count on a large bump from the overseas market. The last Hollywood movie that revolved around NASA, Hidden Figures, only 28% of its worldwide box office takes from the international market. Most films can be counted on 60-70% of its worldwide gross coming from overseas territories.

While all those factors will be required to provide sufficient speed First Man will be the top of the black, the real problem, as mentioned above, will be the avalanche of major Hollywood titles to come between now and the end of November. This could very well lead to First Man being a distant memory in the minds of moviegoers during prime november playtime with movie devotees turning their attention to movies such as Halloween, Dr. Seuss' The Grinch and Bohemian Rhapsody.

And who would have thought Neil Armstrong would have a back seat to Freddie Mercury and Michael Myers?

All big ratings and ratings courtesy of comScore, Mojo Box Office, Cinemascore and Rotten Tomatoes


First ManCourtesy Universal Pictures

Theories abound as to why Damien Chazelle's First Man $ 16.5 million and more at the box office Goosebumps franchise for third place.

Marco Rubio to President Trump. The film can be seen from the back of the world. It could have been made to an advertising and advertising campaign that made the film seem rather dull and plodding. Or perhaps most Americans did not find that they were compelling about Neil Armstrong getting them to their local Roku remotes and head to their local multiplexes.

Most industry trades and mainstream media today First Man use their critical reviews, Oscar buzz and positive word-of-mouth to leg out lengthy theatrical runs. In 2015, for example, The Martian $ 54 million and up to 4 times multiplier (total theatrical gross divided by opening weekend) to $ 228 million in North America. Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity Went one to five times multiply en route to $ 274 million at the domestic box office.

But here's the problem for First Man. The Cinemascore for Gravity was A- and for The Martian it was a straight A. Unfortunately, First Man's Cinemascore was B +. While it may not be possible to say that it is going to be a film, it is a film that is going to be written in English. pun, out of this world. First ManRT grade was 88, enviable but to put it in context, it was only a few points higher than the grade for Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.

Speaking of staying in theaters, First Man's second huge hurdle to profitability will be the release schedule that the industry is facing for the next several weeks. The Ryan Gosling is in the box office this weekend but, because Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween. A film's per screen is more important for its playtime than its overall gross. How it is works with holdovers is that if, for example, an exhibitor has a 10 screen theater and has two new movies to the seven highest-grossing films. First Man is already sitting in fourth position and will face an onslaught of Thanksgiving. And that does not take into account Can You Ever Forgive Me, Boy Erased gold A Private War.

What is all the way First Man to remain in theaters, as many are pointed out to the profitability of the film, is extremely suspect. Over the coming weeks, the movie will move to both the box office chart and Fandango movie listings. It will also be relegated to rapidly declining auditorium sizes within each complex. And a B + Cinemascore and a Rotten Tomatoes grade of 88, while certainly solid, will not be enough to allow it to percolate and simmer either in movie theaters or in the minds of moviegoers. More, the movie will not be able to hold onto its IMAX screens by Jim Curtis' return to the Halloween franchise this coming Friday. Finally, the film should not count on a large bump from the overseas market. The last Hollywood movie that revolved around NASA, Hidden Figures, only 28% of its worldwide box office takes from the international market. Most films can be counted on 60-70% of its worldwide gross coming from overseas territories.

While all those factors will be required to provide sufficient speed First Man will be the top of the black, the real problem, as mentioned above, will be the avalanche of major Hollywood titles to come between now and the end of November. This could very well lead to First Man being a distant memory in the minds of moviegoers during prime november playtime with movie devotees turning their attention to movies such as Halloween, Dr. Seuss' The Grinch and Bohemian Rhapsody.

And who would have thought Neil Armstrong would have a back seat to Freddie Mercury and Michael Myers?

All big ratings and ratings courtesy of comScore, Mojo Box Office, Cinemascore and Rotten Tomatoes

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