How a sore throat led to an Australian dad getting amputated each member


A father in Sydney who had a sore throat on his way home from the Philippines is about to have his limbs amputated.

Four days after returning from home after his family's vacation, Jason Miller was found lying in the living room of the Warringah Medical Center in a state of distress.

He was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Hospital staff desperately tried to revive him, but he was in a coma, Yahoo7 News reported.

Other tests revealed that Miller had two bacterial infections, a streptococcus and an airborne, an extremely rare infection that the ICU specialist had never observed during his 20-year career in the medical domain.

"He was suffering from severe septic shock, multiple organ failure and toxic shock syndrome," his sister-in-law Kate Munn told Yahoo7 News.

Against all odds, the 48-year-old reopened his eyes on 7 November.

Once awake, Mr. Miller, still heavily sedated, was informed that he would need to amputate his arms and legs due to the severity of his illness.

Since then, the family has been talking to doctors about how many members to remove, reports Yahoo7 News.


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