How blue lights can help drug users


While the "war on drugs" declared by former President Nixon in the 1970s fails, science and governments are looking for new ways to combat drug use, especially opioids. The last: blue lighting in the bathrooms of public places.

What are the "blue lights"?

Blue lighting is not difficult to achieve: blue light bulbs are common and can be purchased from different suppliers, including online. They can be relatively inexpensive and give off a fluorescent glow.

Why use blue?

The blue lights on the skin make it more difficult to see the surface veins. A room lit by blue lighting is darker than ordinary white lighting. Because veins are harder to see with blue lighting, it becomes more difficult for the user to inject. This is especially true for some women and long-term injecting drug users, who tend to have smaller veins and more difficult access.

Where are the people who use them?

Some institutions install blue lights in public places to discourage injection drug use.

PHOTO: This Turkey Hill convenience store in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, has installed blue light bulbs in some of its public bathrooms in hopes of discouraging drug use by preventing people from seeing their veins, June 22, 2018.Michael Rubinkam / AP
This Turkey Hill convenience store in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, has installed blue light bulbs in some of its public bathrooms in hopes of discouraging drug use by making it more difficult to view veins, June 22, 2018.

Is there any harm in using them?

Those in favor of blue lights believe that they can discourage the use of drugs or encourage injection in a safer way, such as getting to places like the facilities of the city. 39, supervised injection. Opponents point out that their use could be more dangerous for injectors; it could encourage more high-risk injection practices (such as injection into a deep muscle or vein) and potentially lead to life-threatening medical complications. Critics also claim that supervised injection facilities are not available everywhere and that areas lit by blue lights could cause addicts to move elsewhere, such as playgrounds. In addition, blue lights could potentially cause falls to people who do not see well.

Are there alternatives to blue lights?

Opponents say that the use of blue lights is a way to distract attention from other proven strategies to reduce or discourage drug use, such as universal access to medically assisted treatments, the use of supervised injection facilities with appropriate needles and the availability of safe housing. They feel that it is another effort to shame the use of drugs, instead of treating it as a medical problem.

Some critics have even referred to the use of blue lights as an "act of violence" against injection drug users. They point out that studies showing blue lights can not actually deter a determined user who can employ strategies like preparing drugs in syringes before entering a bathroom or bringing lighters or candles. candles to see their way. Other studies show that some intravenous drug users support the rights of business owners to use blue lights to reduce injection drug use.

Petrina Craine is a resident physician affiliated with the Alameda County Medical Center working in the ABC News Medical Unit.

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