How Conners wrote Roseanne Barr


Warning: The following contains spoilers from the premiere series of The conners. If you have not looked at it yet, you can add this page to your favorites and come back to it once. Proceed with caution.

Well, the cat is finally out of the bag.

The conners presented for the first time on ABC, providing the answer to one of the most asked questions of the summer: how will they explain Roseanne Barris absent? After all, it's not every day that a show goes on the main character and the woman who created it, relying on his own life. But Barr's toxic behavior on Twitter has left other choices to ABC and the producers, so that in the interest of keeping hundreds of people in employment, Roseanne become The conners.

And the answer? That's about exactly what the turbulent Barr said it would be. Grandma Rose died after an opioid overdose. Although it took a minute for us and the rest of the Conner clan to learn the truth.

Three weeks have passed since Roseanne's funeral, the family still eating casseroles provided by her friends and family and still believing that Rosie's sudden death was only a heart attack. The whole family always seemed to be in different states of shock: Dan (John Goodman) does not sleep in bed because it's there that Roseanne is dead, Jackie (Laurie Metcalfobsessed with the reorganization of the kitchen, Darlene (Sara Gilbert) and Becky (Lecy Goranson) try to put some order in the finances of the family.

But a call from one of Jackie's friends in the coroner's office – she may be a life coach now, but remember that she was a cop for a long time. RoseanneThe original race of – revealed that the official cause of death was in fact an overdose. It turned out that Roseanne still had not mastered her addiction to pain medication. And as Becky revealed that she had found a bottle of pills prescribed to Marcy Bellinger in Roseanne's closet – "Damn it, that's the only thing I wanted in Mom's closet", a- she said.

He soon started driving around town with a sign attached to his truck, thanking Marcy for the pills that killed his "loving wife, Roseanne". But like Marcy (played by surprise surprise guest Mary Steenburgen!) appeared on the doorstep of the Conners, eyes in tears and drunk, begging Dan to eliminate the sign that had turned her into a pariah in town, Jackie revealed to Darlene that she had found another reserve of pills in the ice pack the freezer. That was enough to make Dan understand that it was not Marcy's fault, not really. His wife took the pills voluntarily, after all.

In a particularly meta moment, as Darlene told Dan crying that she wanted to know how she could have helped her mother, Goodman is also delivering a phrase that resembles Barr's cathartic radiation. "She was going to do what she was going to do," he says. "She has never listened to a damn person in her life." Find?

As for the second mystery – the case of the new generic sequence – they took place in the last moments of the episode as the family sat down for a traditional American breakfast. And at the end, when the camera traditionally returned to Barr and her laughter, she focused instead on Goodman and Gilbert.

While not being so surprising either, thanks to the limited options for writing credibly to Barr and his own cowardly lips, the first is actually a solid episode. Goodman, Metcalf and Gilbert have all had the chance to prove their talent, Metcalf's breakup facing corn ear holders in the kitchen being one of the most moving moments of the episode. Plus, it's amazing how fast the show was able to prove that it did not need Barr to stay a good run. In fact, one could argue that without it, it's even better. After all, when the off-screen antics of a person suck up all the oxygen in the room, everyone has the opportunity to breathe better.

But enough about what we think, it's time to hear from you!

The conners Tuesdays at 8 pm on ABC.

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