How Daredevil Season 3 finished things for all the main characters


The main spoilers below for Daredevil Season 3, so it would not be wise to continue reading without having watched the 13 episodes.

In many ways, an appropriate book in its first season 2015, Daredevil Season 3 brought his post-defenders Matt Murdock returns to the land of the living. While none of the other MCU heroes have come forward to help Daredevil eradicate Wilson Fisk once and for all, Season 3 has featured several new faces of varying importance. In addition, he added new narrative layers to all the well-established characters in which the fans were invested.

When the finale of season 3 sank – over several puddles of blood, sweat and tears – Hell's Kitchen was a different place, just like its many citizens. Until we know whether Season 4 will take place or not, let's take a look at the stories that have left Matt, Karen, Fisk and the rest of the survivors, as well as those who have not lived for Let justice be done.


Foggy Nelson's Elden Henson intensified it in Season 3, as he guided his own destiny. His public personality exploded after his great anti-establishment speech became viral. He also used the power of the Internet to broadcast the phone video of the agent Nadeem, thus giving the world evidence of the conspiracy crimes perpetrated by Wilson Fisk. Way to spread the word, foggy!

Viewers were also able to spend time with the rest of Foggy's extended family, which allowed this universe to have a magical time. Especially when alcohol was involved. While we are pumped that Daredevil finished season 3 by making "Nelson, Murdock & Page" a reality. It would also be great if all members of the Foggy family also join the firm and provide constant assistance to the office.


During season 3, Karen's current story is not the most complicated case. She was first vested in the evidence that Matt had survived the implosion of the Midland Tower, before setting a gigantic target by confessing to Wilson Fisk that she had murdered her former lackey James Wesley. She helped a group of people escape from Proto-Bullseye's anger inside the church and seemed ready to join the body's account of the deadly villain. However, Deborah Ann Woll excelled at showing viewers more about Karen in the tragic semi-autonomous episode of the character (which should have been a half-season arc).

Before entering the world of unfaithful journalism to the vigilantes, Karen was caught in a drugged spiral that was trying to keep the family's meal intact following the death of her mother. Terrible decisions were made and an inebriated Karen ended up killing her idealistic little brother in a car accident after shooting at his violent boyfriend. C & # 39; was a lot to cram in 3/4 of a single episode, but this definitely gave the character a more fleshy subtext informing him of his place in this series. Hoping that his investigative reporting skills will bring him to The punisher Season 2.

Father Lantom

For many years, Peter McRobbie's father Lantom has been one of the most important and reliable people in Matt's life. Naturally, everything was turned upside down during season 3 when Matt unintentionally reconnected with his mother, Margaret, better known as Sister Maggie. Matt's faith in God's plan was already diminishing in the first episodes and his trust in Father Lantom was broken after the revelation of Maggie's maternal turn.

With this emotional crossroads established between them, Matt's relationship with Lantom has been completed in the most tragic way possible. During Dex Poindexter's costumed attack on the church, Father Lantom witnessed the deadly accuracy of the villain, though he did not live long enough to talk to him about it. anybody. He asked for Matt's forgiveness, however, and the fearless man granted him.

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