How has the gluten-free industry affected people with celiac disease?


A new Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics study examined how the recent proliferation of gluten-free industry has affected people living with celiac disease.

During interviews with 17 adults with celiac disease living in Canada, participants found that the gluten-free industry was becoming a "double-edged sword". While they are grateful for more palatable gluten-free options, they are increasingly faced with misunderstandings about the severity of celiac disease because of the large number of non-celiac disease patients adhering to the diet without gluten.

This facilitated the management of certain types of social situations – for example, there were more gluten-free restaurants; however, others have created distress, for example by worrying about an increased risk of inadvertent gluten consumption. Participants also felt that they could be perceived or even perceived as requiring a lot of maintenance.

"Although the popularization of the gluten-free diet has been beneficial for many people with celiac disease, it has also magnified some of the common problems associated with the need for such a strict diet." As this disease is increasingly diagnosed It is important that health professionals and policymakers understand these more subtle constraints when developing strategies with patients to improve the management of celiac disease, "said the lead author, James King, of the University of Calgary.

Explore further:
The prevalence of celiac disease seems stable, but the number of adherents to a gluten-free diet is increasing

More information:
J. A. King et al, Experiments with Celiac Disease in a Changing Gluten-Free Landscape, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (2018). DOI: 10.1111 / jhn.12597

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