How many Yankees are considering Andrew McCutchen, Brett Gardner playing the rest of the season


NEW YORK – Andrew McCutchen took the lead of the Yankees Aaron Boone for all three Red Sox games this week.

Brett Gardner was on the bench of three.

The Red Sox, leaving two left-handers, are just part of the reason why McCutchen, who plays right, played and left-footed Gardner remained seated.

The percentage and base power of McCutchen during his first three weeks as Yankee plus Gardner were also taken into account.

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Boone hinted before the Yankees' 11-6 loss to the Boston Red Sox on Thursday night that McCutchen would remain a regular and Gardner would become a separate guy.

Asked about the role McCutchen will play in the playoffs, Boone replied, "He's going to be a guy for us."

And when asked to talk about Gardner, Boone strongly suggested that he be an extra player who will replace the other championship players and the Yankees DH's outfield player when someone will rest.

"I see (Gardner) still playing a lot for us," said Boone. "He will probably be there (Friday night against Baltimore) in one way or another, and what he brings defensively, he always becomes an option for us at the end of the game. would not hesitate to put up and feel good about giving us a boost in some situations. "

McCutchen came first in the last defeat of the Yankees, in which Boston clinched the AL East. In five plates, McCutchen reached the base four times with a single, a triple and two steps.

McCutchen worked a lot like Yankee. Even though he beat only .241 in his first 17 games, he had four home runs in 55 bats, a base percentage of .440 and a .959. For the season, he hit .254 with 19 home runs, 62 RBIs, 14 interceptions and .792 OPS in 147 games.

"Everything we've seen since he's arrived here, even the first week he's not received a lot of hits, is a guy who really controls the hitting area and who took a ton for us, "said Boone. "He had hit bats."

Gardner will start some of the Yankees' last ten games in the regular season, but only because Boone wants his championship players and championship team ready for the playoffs.

"He's going to play a lot and he's going to start a lot," said Boone. "I'm going to have to give one day off to the field player (Aaron Judge) .I'll have to give McCutchen a day." I want to give (DH / corner player Giancarlo) Stanton a day, (Aaron defensive center) Hicks a day , you add all that and Gardy is the guy who plays in these situations.

"They will all be able to protect each other and they will all become bats here." (Gardner) may very well play a bigger role than you think, sitting here now. "

Gardner's status changed on Tuesday when the judge was allowed to hit the games after suffering a fractured right wrist on July 26. McCutchen was leaving for the judge since he'd joined the club on Aug. 3 in a San Francisco exchange.

Gardner, 35, has brought a lot to the Yankees at the helm and on the field from 2009, his first full season, until last year, but his 2018 numbers are down. Until Thursday, he was beating .237 with 12 homers, 43 RBIs, 15 robberies and a .689 OPS. Since August 1, he hit 0.206 in 42 games.

Like Gardner, McCutchen is one of the club's most respected players because of his attitude and personality. As soon as he joined the Yankees, he was adamant about the fact that he would accept any role and any playing time, and the long-time defensive player and the defensive player of 2018 for the Giants had already been invited.

"From a reputation point of view, what you hear from him – he's been in the room," Boone said. "He came and all I asked him to do …" Can you play left today? How are you? & # 39; Yeah, let's go. & # 39; He worked at (in the left field) and was a hard-working teammate and someone who plays as a winning player. He did a lot for us. "

Randy Miller can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @RandyJMiller. Find on Facebook.

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