How Mars Moon Phobos had his rhythms?


There was a debate about the cause of these train paths.

Another theory is that the gravity of Mars tears the moon and that the grooves are signs of structural failure. Others claimed that the grooves were created by shrapnel expelled by impacts on Mars.

The Viking 1 orbiter captured this image of Phobos in 1977. Calculating the exact age of Stickney's crater, concludes as the head, will help test his theory and understand if it is so.

Publishing its findings in the planetary and space sciences, the research team used computer models to simulate the movement of debris caused by a huge gash at one of the ends of the moon's oblong body, called crater of Stickney. A new computer model developed by scientists at Brown University suggests the ancient impact of the rocks, which bounced, rolled and slid, forming the bands we see today. Head was one of the first to propose this idea in the 1970s.

For a moon as large as Phobos on the planet Mars, which measures 27 km in diameter, an asteroid impact crater like Stickney is huge since it is about 9 km long. The grooves are clearly visible in the image. Other scientists believe that the grooves are related to the impact of the Stickney crater. At least that's what the simulations show.

For example, not all grooves are radially aligned with Stickney, contrary to what one might think intuitively if Stickney ejecta did the engraving. Some of the grooves overlap, which means that they must have been created at different times. Some bands pass through the Stickney crater itself, which seems to imply that the crater was already in place when the grooves were formed. And finally, there is an area on Phobos with no lines at all – that is what is called a dead point. The computer models created by the researchers showed that the rolling rock theory could be correct because it showed grooves that looked a lot like the surface of Phobos. Kenneth Ramsley, Brown University.

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"The model is actually just a laptop experience," Ramsley said. "We put all the basic ingredients, then we pressed the button and we saw what was going on," said Ramsley.

Ramsley said that he had no expectations for what the models could show. The model recreates the rock ejection from the impact site, taking into account the topography, gravitational field, rotation and rotation of Phobos around the red planet.

Researchers who have studied unusual features on the surface of the Phobos Martian moon may have found an answer to their problems. Once a rock has circled the moon, its grooves are no longer aligned with the crater.

This rolling around the globe also explains how some grooves overlap. This theory posits that Stickney's bouncy, slippery and rolling blocks carved the grooves in the moon. In some cases, these globular blocks have returned to their starting point: the Stickney Crater.

Then there is the dead point where there are no grooves at all. It turns out that this dead zone is a low-lying area, surrounded by a lip. The simulation shows that rocks would have struck these lips and would have been thrown over the surface, landing on the other side of the depression and leaving it without a groove. According to Ramsley, the resulting impact would have exploded tons of giant rocks, making the idea of ​​moving blocks quite plausible.

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