How Maya Rudolph becomes the master of impressions


"Forever" asks a lot to its viewers. This does not require them to become familiar with centuries of dummy monarchical successions or to go through multiple stages. Instead, he tests their ability to live an existential – but funny – fear. As a unit of time, the concept of eternity is fundamentally disturbing to humans; an idea of ​​which we have a broad working definition, but that none of us can actually experience. In the show, forever is a silent state to the point of being sepulchral, ​​without electronic distractions (although there is a shuffleboard). It is invaded by a panic that grows slowly, without haste but more and more agitated. Most TV shows are something that you turn to escape from real life, but it works almost the opposite way; Real life is a pressure relief valve for "Forever".

Like Rudolph, Armisen is a mixed race – a fact to which she partly attributes their proximity. He is of Venezuelan, German and Korean descent. On "Forever", their blend union adds a new layer of ambiguity to the environment; June and Oscar live in an indescribable California suburb, but they seem to be from anywhere.

"The impression I have of me is the most moving impression I've ever heard," she said, curving her shoulders. In a voice that sounded like an irritated version of hers, but colored by Armisen's intonation, she looked down and asked, "Why am I cold?" "Literally, I had more fun working with him than most things in life." Although the close friendship between Armisen and Rudolph has pushed them to collaborate again, the result is surprisingly macabre. "Forever" is saturated with death.

"Let's be honest," said Rudolph. "I'm afraid of death. But I've been more fearful in the past, and lately I thought, "Oh, I hope we can all go somewhere." size of bird cages. We were walking on a new outdoor place looking for a quiet place to talk. In the classic upscale California-mall style, this ended up being these birdcages. We each crawled inside one. "The show makes me want to scratch a bit," she said.

Rudolph's performance in the second episode of "Forever" is heartbreaking. Without betraying the key elements of the plot: her character is in a consumer electronics store, trying to make a purchase, while she falls in tears. It is a description of grief that will sting anyone who has been caught off guard by a sudden desire for a lost person. It also looks like a moment of distinctly adult mourning. I asked Rudolph if she remembered what grief was at 7 years old.

"For many years," she said, "I could not even touch this conversation. As my mother has always been – it was so painful – "She changed course. "I do not remember if I made an appropriate bereavement. I know I did it, but it was manifested in one way – as when I was a kid, I went to a new school and I gave out kicking people. I was like the kicker for a year. And then people tell me stories that I do not remember, as if I cried at a rollerblading party, and they told me, "What's wrong? Why are you crying? And I wanted to skate with a boy, and they said I looked like "- she shook with tears -" 'My grandmother is dead'. It was not true! But I was [expletive] put it on the thickness. I really think that children transform very differently. And I'm really fascinated by that, so I'd like to know all the ways that I do or have done, but I do not do it. But I know that the place where I was with most of my life was rather a "Poor me, why me?"

"Until very recently," she said, "it was still a sting to talk about" – particularly difficult circumstances where you remember that so many Riperton fans have particularly interested in his daughter after her death. . According to Rudolph, even among her acquaintances, she is considered an authority on parental deaths. "If they lose a parent, even when they are 40, they say," I have to talk to you! "And I say to myself," Well "- she nodded resignedly," This is my department, but I know that it is Why I really wanted to do this show. "

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