How Meghan Markle's family has turned it into a family business


Meghan Markle

Toby Melville – Pool WPA / Getty Images

"Let's face it, we all have to survive." Money makes the world go round, so if you want to call it, it's fine, but I think no one in the media would refuse a paycheck for speaking about the royals and, as a family, we are not subject to the royal protocol. "

C & # 39; Samantha Markle, half sister to Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex and a seemingly self-enforced family spokesperson, defending the many instances where the family has benefited from the fairy tale of their former family member since the first Suit star exchanged "I do" with Prince Harry last May during an interview with Good Morning Britain in July.

And do not get me wrong, the family took the opportunity to dig the gap that separates them from Meghan at every turn, like Samantha, father Thomas Markleand nephew Tyler Dooley seems unable – or perhaps more likely reluctant to– Do not add fuel to the media frenzy fire they have, by and large, created. And in doing so, with an unwavering commitment, they turned Meghan, an embarrassing business, into a fairly lucrative family business.

The world first became aware that Meghan's family would probably not be in compliance with the royal protocol in April 2017, several months before Meghan and Harry were even engaged, when Samantha – while Samantha s was still going, before clearly realizing that she was using the same nickname her nickname could be good for business – announced in an exclusive interview with the British daily Daily Star, in the UK, that she was planning a complete book with the provisional title, The diary of Princess Pushy's sister.

"Maybe when Meghan is more mature and reads the book, she'll understand," Samantha, a former self-described model and actress (with only one Matlock appearance on IMDb to confirm his claims) who had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2008, said the point of sale at that time. "Part that she would not like, part that she might like."

Immediately, Samantha's mother Roslyn, to whom she has not spoken for years either, accused of girl having tried to take advantage of Meghan's growing celebrity. "Samantha has been harassing her for years," she said of her daughter's behavior towards the future Duchess. "All that she said about her is a lie."

Since then, Samantha has maintained a regular presence on the UK news circuit, routinely performing disconcerting appearances where she constantly contradicts the way she talks about Meghan on social media, explaining her many slams as signs of her "spirit" "and" the result of having "worked in radio and radio for a while, and I have always been a bit turbulent," she told Channel 5 Jeremy Vine just last week.

Despite her assurances that all these appearances will help to reunite Meghan and their father in the light of their own disagreement, his antics surely played against her. She designed stories to tease the media, including that about a possible appearance in Celebrity Big Brother. She performed in front of Kensington and Buckingham palaces to take pictures. She retained the services of a publicist, who set out to make threats on behalf of her client on social media. She participated in the documentary TLC When Harry met Meghan: A royal commitment. She is still writing this damn book, now titled In the shadow of the duchess. And she says things like this:

"I've spent most of my life in the media and in the audio-visual media, so because my sister is suddenly royal, I can not stop doing all that," she said in July. despite the limited evidence that supported his resume. "For someone to say," Oh, you should not take money. "You should refuse a paycheck," Well, go tell your boss that you do not want to no paycheck for me to interview, because that is making money. "

Of course, despite her de facto position as CEO of this filthy family business, Samantha is not the only Markle to start cashing. In the days leading up to Meghan's wedding, she had a hard time when it was revealed that paparazzi photos involving her father Thomas catching her in seemingly charming and candid moments – going into a cybercafe to look at photos of Meghan and Prince Harry, reading Images of Britain: A pictorial journey through history, being equipped for a tuxedo – was in fact a commercial arrangement – even though Samantha assumed responsibility for it.

"As we know, the media can take very unflattering pictures of people during their casual days and blow up the numbers." I said: "You know, the world does not know you're going to get in shape, do healthy things, do not take pictures of yourself buying vegetables and PH water, they are photographing you in the least flattering way possible, "she explained. a show on the ITV talk show. Loose women in May. "I said:" Really, you have to show the world that you are getting in shape and that you are doing good things in good health. " So, I suggested it. "

She then insisted that Thomas had not earned "a lot" money from the photos, adding: "He was refusing interviews for $ 50,000 – so it was clear that the money was n & rsquo; It was not the goal, and the small amount of money he had received – 1,500 pounds – the photographers made money, not my father. "

Although Harry told him not to talk to the press, Thomas continued to do so, reserving an exclusive session with Morgan Piers sure Hello Brittany– a sum that brings in $ 10,000 to the former director of TV lighting, as Morgan clearly pointed out during the conversation to try to defend his guest by explaining that he could have earned more and that he simply wanted to "have his say". He continued to express himself when, a few days later, he had a slightly less contrite appearance on TMZ.

The latest to join the family business is Meghan's nephew, Tyler Dooley, son of his half-brother. Thomas Markle Jr., a brother or sister who also gave his fair share of interviews on scorched earth, even though it's not as often as Samantha. If Dooley's name sounds familiar to you, it's probably because you remember his appearance in this circus when, earlier this year, an Oregon-based parent capitalized on his tangential connection with the Duchess and became the owner of a medical marijuana dispensary called Royally Grown (included?) that featured a strain bearing his aunt's name in honor of his big day. Called Meghan Sparkle, the mix has been described as "unique and individual" as its name indicates and so strong "that it will take away anyone's crown".

Seeking to extend his fifteen minutes, Dooley, 25, joined the cast of The royal world, an upcoming reality show on MTV International that "invited a group of royalty and aristocrats to live together in the English countryside and filmed each of their gestures to try and find out what was going on. is really young and royal, "according to the press release.

In the series trailer, which debuted on MTV's international channels in 180 non-US territories on November 7, Dooley entered the room saying, "Oh, hi guys, I'm looking for just my big aunt Liz. " We are certain that the Queen will love to be named as such. (There is no set date for the premiere of the show in the United States.)

"Dooley considers Meghan more like a growing sister and is about to create a royal impact by restoring the family record," reads in the press release that accompanies it with its promising bio. The royal world mansion "with a point to prove." Oh, brother.

Look, we live in a capitalist society, there is no doubt. And as such, when something provokes as much interest in the general public as the royal family has in all these years, there will always be offers of money – large sums of money or not – for, essentially, sell them.

And as the Markles have demonstrated time and again, they will always be there to answer the call.

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