How Melbourne's technology will be drawn in space


ELON Musk will launch its latest SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 19:50 Australian time – with Melbourne researchers behind the new onboard rescue technology.

Victorian researchers will celebrate the planned launch, which carries a high-tech payload that they have helped develop and that could save lives during natural disasters on Earth.



WATCH THE DIRECT LAUNCH BELOW [19659006] An ultra-high resolution camera, the DLR (DESIS) Earth-imaging Imaging Spectrometer, has been developed The German Aerospace Center, in collaboration with La Trobe University, will begin its three-day trip to the Station International Space Agency after its scheduled launch, weather permitting, at 19:50, at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

DESIS will provide images to monitor the Earth's ecosystem, but can also capture ultra-sharp details of Australian bush fires and other international events taken from the thermosphere, which can then be sent to the authorities in near re The research group in remote sensing of the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of La Trobe University will receive the downlink for images

"DESIS will help monitor natural phenomena such as bush fires, floods, ash clouds, storms, rainfall and drought from some 400 kilometers into space, "said Peter Moar, keynote speaker for Trobe Engineering: "The Instrument Passes Over Its Target"

Industry Minister Ben Carroll announced that local expertise was once again exposed […]. "NOT We know that Victoria is a world leader in the field of space technologies and the partnership of the German Aerospace Agency with La Trobe University cements this position, "said Mr. Carroll. 008] "This high resolution camera is a real game changer – it will help monitor natural disasters and environmental changes around the world."

Dr. Moar said the DESIS design challenge was a breakthrough success for engineering in Australia. "The University of La Trobe is very much at the forefront of space technology," said Dr. Moar.

"The DLR has commissioned our engineering team to create a number of advanced embedded control systems to manage critical data and storage.This has been an amazing experience to help create a such advanced space instrument.

"In terms of performance, it is one of the first of its kind in the world."

The two FireBIRD satellites from Germany, The mission of 39, Earth observation will be associated with other satellites over the next seven years to help collect images via DESIS.

Technology uses infrared sensors and visible wavelengths to detect bush fires and clouds cover

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