How much weight do Americans earn in new relationships: study


  • A new study found that the average person earns 17 pounds in a year after finding love.
  • The main reason that people gained weight was to feel less in a hurry to appear.
  • Previous research has shown that couples tend to eat healthier foods in greater numbers.

    The headline season, the time of year when people are in a relationship, is fast approaching. According to a new survey, this new relationship could hurt your size.

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    Led by market research firm OnePoll for Jenny Craig, a study of 2,000 Americans – all in relationship – revealed that three-quarters of people gained weight after finding love, Fox News reported. The average person had earned 36 pounds since meeting with his partner, and 17 of these books were added in the first year of dating.

    So what is the biggest cause of those extra pounds? Sixty-four per cent of those surveyed said they no longer feel pressure to attract their partner. According to 41% of respondents, eating frequently is another factor responsible for weight gain. And 34% of people accused of going out and drinking at home for consumption in pounds.

    couples stay to drink and gain weight

    Caiaimage / Paul Bradbury

    This is not the first time studies have shown that dating disturbs diets. Earlier this year, researchers at the University of Queensland found that couples had a higher BMI than singletons. despite eat healthier and be more active, reported. Couples generally spend more time eating together, watching TV and drinking alcohol. While many couples eat healthy foods, their portions tend to be larger.

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    Of course, catching a partner does not need to kill your healthy habits. Instead of nibbling pizzas and wine, try going to the gym together. Researchers at the University of Santa Clara have discovered that working with a partner makes people more energetic and happier than working solo. Need inspiration? This ultra-adapted power pair embodies #swolemategoals.

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