How Ralph breaks Internet animated the world online


Disney 2012 Animation Movie Wreck-It Ralph turned the story of a nasty vintage video game that decides that he wants more of life in a strangely moving story of existential desire. Six years after passing Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly) to the other side of his identity crisis thanks to his unexpected friendship with a chubby runner named Vanellope von Schweetz (Sarah Silverman), Ralph & # 39; s Co-writers Phil Johnston and Rich Moore – who are now directing a screenplay by Johnston and Pamela Ribon – are back in the world of video games with Ralph breaks the Internet, which, as its title promises, brings the protagonists of the first film to the online world.

There, Vanellope is passionate about Grand Theft Auto-as world of Felling race, Ralph makes a splash on the BuzzTube video platform with the help of an algorithm called Yesss (Taraji P. Henson), when he visits Internet destinations such as eBay and Oh My Disney (which, in the movie, make also serves as the home and workplace for many characters under the IP banner of Disney). Johnston and Moore recently explained to Vulture how they conceptualized each element online – and why they regretted being unable to enough find a way to squeeze The girls of the gold in the movie.

L & # 39; Internet
Rich Moore: We spoke to a group of internet specialists, and one of the first contacts we had was Ed Catmull, who had just retired to our studio as president of Disney Animation. And Ed was really open on the internet flaws, like the infrastructure on which he was built. Ed went on to say that although they had known at the beginning that billions of people would use this system, it would have been designed in a totally different way from what it was conceived when three or four universities shared information. Instead of starting again a little at a given moment, he simply continued to build strata after layers of strata and other links with it, and he would describe it as a kind of Rome or Constantinople. It seemed like it was this city on which lay layers of other cities, with the most recent type being at the highest level.

We thought, "Oh, that's an interesting metaphor." So we imagined it as this ball with the original connections at the base, and then above – not really real strata, but they were simply built with these sites hovering above the ground. That they just kept building on that thing. We have imagined it as this sphere in constant growth, which has the potential to continue to grow and develop exponentially, the surface constituting all the new elements. We have this scene when Ralph looks for the biscuit medal when Vanellope throws it over the building. There, you see things like the public discussion boards, Friendster and Netscape Navigator.

KnowsMore, the search engine
Phil Johnston: An early version of KnowsMore was a much bigger character who was going to travel with Ralph in an old switched express train. He was going to become Ralph's guide and that search engine was related to Ask Jeeves or something like that …

Moore: A very old …

Johnston: … it was broken and contained a virus. So every fourth answer that he gave was wrong. So he continued to put Ralph in terrible situations because of his wrong answers. But as the story evolved and the heart of the story focused more on Ralph and Vanellope's friendship, we simply used KnowsMore for more information, much like a tour guide. one who knows everything. It was a great way to release an exhibition, I'll tell you, when you have a character who knows everything.

Moore: His website was something other than the small kiosk. It was a huge university hall in the Ivy League that looked like a collegiate church and was going to become that old, dusty library inside, but that did not fit the reality anymore.

Johnston: But we had those good little pieces with him that went wrong and how Ralph finally found a way to test it.

Johnston: I think for a moment it was just an auction, but it made no sense. Then, the idea is that it is only hundreds of thousands of parcels. This was one of the very first things we proposed. Matthias Lechner is our artistic director of environments, and it was one of the easiest to imagine and achieve.

Pop-up ads
Johnston: We have considered them as aggressive type types, con-hackster. Of course, we chose one of them to be Ralph's type.[[[[Laughs.]The idea that pop-ups are boring and ubiquitous was another early idea. Then a simple pop-up blocker is literally a big fat guy who just knocks the pop-up on the backside and immediately makes us laugh.

Moore: It was fun to create all those different sites that they were visiting.

Johnston: We had "These 10 star children went to jail. Number six will surprise you! But I think one of them was originally "No longer alive". It was a little sinister.[[[[Laughs.]Pop-up windows may seem innocent, but actually lead you to dark places. So we had to follow this line closely to keep her in the family.

Moore: You know that what I just remember about pop-ups, is that we wanted to test, for example, what happens if you click on it and nobody wants it? I do not want to click on it! I do not want to catch viruses or receive spam all the time! I think we ended up using a Disney account, but he would not visit the site because the software would not allow the computer to open it. I think we had to do it. I think I did it on my phone. And that's why my phone does not work anymore.

Johnston: We have tried so hard to find a whole new idea of ​​what a viral video could be, and we have to make 50 of them …

Moore: … Reinvented viral videos.

JohnstonRalph had come up with a formula for virality, which we thought was logical. At one point, BuzzTube owned what is called the Meme Factory. "If you can dream it, we can!" They have, like behind the scenes, a backstage where they were doing viral videos, so the idea that the algorithm is God is in the machine that produces viral videos.

Moore: It would be the secret of BuzzTube, namely that human beings did not make videos. There was a team in that back room who had deciphered this code of what makes a viral video, and humans did not do it, but it was algorithms that produced all that. Again, he was a great thinker who was so confusing to people and we realized that if the whole movie was talking about that, it would be great, but for the amount of real estate that it takes in the story There are many things to expect from the public. And do not think Yesss was the villain of the thing, because she seemed very disdainful of the way she did it.

Johnston: We thought it would be more logical for Ralph to come up with the idea of ​​"I'm just going to copy what's popular!" And that will be the key to his success. A total lack of originality and a kind of foolishness is always the best way forward for Ralph.

Moore: For some reason, it worked. After 18 months of different attempts to reinvent the idea of ​​a viral video, the simple fact of using the source was what everyone responded to.

Johnston: There was one where he slipped on a blade filled with Sriracha sauce and she called it "Srir-ow-cha!"

Felling race
Johnston: It was an explosion. I mean, we obviously are not going to do anything with the level of violence of Grand Theft Auto or Saints Rowbut we wanted a realistic and realistic city where the race was legitimately dangerous and very realistic. Part of this world was based on the studio where we did Zootopia, which was a studio in North Hollywood on Tujunga, in a part of town that looks a bit like Felling race that we all loved so much, and we thought, "Let's leave this game to Tujunga." It's a very oddly personal tribute.

Oh my Disney
Moore: It was really hard to solve. We did not know exactly where the princess scene was going to unfold. We liked the concept of it. So, okay, what are our options? We could go on, but it was more of a corporate website, and we wanted it to be something around the characters. Pam Ribon, co-author of the screenplay, is the one who said, "Okay, there's a fan site called Oh My Disney that covers all of what we're thinking about here. He has the feeling of Comic Con, listicles and quizzes in his head.

We have tried to use a lot of what they propose. One thing we tried to work on in that they have a lot of coverage is The girls of the gold, for some reasons. Nearby Star wars and Pixar, they would have all these lists on The girls of the goldand we say, "What? Why? It turns out that it comes from Touchstone Television. We spoke to someone from Oh My Disney who said, "Oh yes, it's huge. People like Daddy's Girls. "We tried to include it in our version of Oh My Disney and it just baffled everyone. The explanation that "the real site has it!" Just did not sell it.

Johnston: The search did not save the day at that time. I mean, balancing to honor all the characters while mocking, without even feeling shilling for the Disney brand was probably the most delicate line we walked into in this movie.

Moore: Phil often says, "You know what, we should stick to our weapons The girls of the gold. An animated Bea Arthur.

Johnston: Bea Arthur and Chewbacca hang out in a way. It's a movie I'm going to watch.

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