How Season 3 of Lethal Weapon Wins the Departure of Clayne Crawford


Attention: the spoilers coming for the first season of season 3 Deadly weapon on Fox, called "In the same boat".

Deadly weapon is officially back on the air for the third season which once again seemed to never happen. The show was built on the dynamics (and chemistry) of Clayne Crawford and Damon Wayans as legendary Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh, so the news in May that Crawford had been ousted was the end of Deadly weapon. Instead, the series experienced a revival for season 3 with a new co-leader of her partner, Murtaugh, and she found an appropriate way to say goodbye to Riggs without presenting Clayne Crawford.

The season 2 finale ended with Riggs filming with Garrett, and the big cliffhanger was whether Riggs would survive. The scene was perfectly prepared to kill Riggs without giving an explanation to an offside case or a return from Clayne Crawford, which was almost certainly out of the question. The summary before the episode reminded the audience of what had happened with Riggs, and the first had taken place with Murtaugh in the hospital with Riggs on a stretcher, with doctors clearly not optimistic about his chances. Riggs was visibly in the first scene of the hospital, but his face was never shown, so Deadly weapon could simply use a body double for Clayne Crawford in the last Riggs scene. Murtaugh was devastated by the news of his partner's death, and then the episode was postponed for six months.

All in all, the revelation that Riggs died was no surprise, and many fans probably knew it was going to happen. What we did not know was how Deadly weapon would handle the consequences of Riggs' death. The trailer for season 3 was full of action, adventure and joke between Murtaugh and his new partner, played by Seann William Scott. Based solely on these images, it was possible that Deadly weapon would spend a few minutes to kill Riggs and then move on to a first light deal for the new partners, putting the dire situation with Clayne Crawford out of sight and out of mind. This would have been a disappointment for Riggs fans and the dynamic between Riggs and Murtaugh, so it was a relief to see that ugliness had not resulted Deadly weapon ignorant of how important Riggs had been to the series and the characters.

The six-month time jump was do not used as a way to let the characters cry on the screen, then go back into their crazy and crazy explosions without recognizing Riggs. Instead, the story revealed that Murtaugh had not really returned to work at the LAPD in the last six months, and that he was wallowing in jogging pants and obsessed with resolving what was had passed with Riggs. had been resolved with Garrett's suicide. Murtaugh was convinced that Garrett had been murdered and the fact that Riggs' truck had never been found led him to believe that the case was more than everyone believed. Murtaugh has actually met his future partner while pursuing a lead over Riggs, and while explosions and shenanigans fact then, grief was still there.

Murtaugh finally got answers after finding Riggs' truck and a Garrett mobile phone video claiming to have killed Riggs, which means Murtaugh's quest to solve a greater mystery behind what was done to his partner failed. He went to his boat in the yard and started to burn all his research and what he saw as evidence about the Riggs case, even throwing his LAPD badge over the flame .

Since Damon Wayans stayed, it was not the end of Murtaugh as a detective. Trish saved his badge from the flames and told him to go back to work where he was so good and Murtaugh went back to the compound to clean Rigg's office. In a hint of humor, Murtaugh complained to a Riggs who was not yet cleaning up his mess, which consisted largely of rubbish and empty beer bottles. The humor, however, was full of sadness, while Murtaugh confessed to Cahill that he had built a small Riggs on Riggs office to talk to him.

The little Riggs that Murtaugh had built was composed of one of Riggs hats, a mug, a post-it with the mouth and mustache drawn, of a red Solo mug. and a shotgun for the nose. The episode finally allowed Murtaugh to ask Cole (Seann William Scott) to be his new partner. Cole was respectful that Murtaugh had lost a partner and Riggs' legacy, which led Murtaugh to take revenge on his new partner for some of his nonsense, including his inexplicable ability to run at full speed while wearing cowboy boots.

Despite openly sharing his problems with Clayne Crawford before Crawford was overthrown, Damon Wayans performed well as Murtaugh mourned the partner he had come to love after their time together. He did not just phone for a representation of the scenes that had been written as if they were sincere, and it was easy to believe that Murtaugh was really devastated and unsure of how Riggs would die. Murtaugh felt guilty for not being with his partner when he was shot and Murtaugh had to be haunted during the premiere of season 3. Wayans definitely did it.

We will have to wait and see if and how Deadly weapon will continue to refer to Riggs now that Seann William Scott moves into the former position of co-leader of Clayne Crawford. Deadly weapon He did not create Cole as Riggs 2.0, and it should be fun to see how his dynamic with Murtaugh differs from that of Riggs. Connect to Fox on Tuesdays at 9pm. AND for new episodes of Deadly weapon in the fall television programming.

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