How "the enemy" Obama secretly fears that his surveillance abuse is being exposed by Trump


The list of enemies of President Trump is long and complete: from the Russian dossier writer Christopher Steele to Peter Strzok, the fiery FBI's big-name, to the ambitious Senator Cory Booker – and the authors of the latest book of the bomb on the president unveil the length of those who insulted him went to undermine and destroy the president.

Authors Corey Lewandowski, Trump campaign manager, and Dave Bossie, assistant campaign manager and member of the transitional team, detail the "great arrogance of power-hungry reptiles who think they" It's more important than the votes of more than 60 million people. & # 39;

And "to prevent Trump from winning the election on Hillary," they write, "Clinton, the FBI and the GM – who were led by FBI agents who hated him – were conducting a New York operation in London and in Moscow, hoping to capture members of the Trump campaign in a sort of "collusion" with the Russians. & # 39;

Authors Corey Lewandowski, Trump campaign manager, and Dave Bossie, deputy campaign manager and member of the transition team, write about "the deep arrogance of power-hungry reptiles who think they're more important than the votes of more than 60 million people. & # 39;

Authors Corey Lewandowski, Trump campaign manager, and Dave Bossie, deputy campaign manager and member of the transition team, write about "the deep arrogance of power-hungry reptiles who think they're more important than the votes of more than 60 million people. & # 39;

Authors Corey Lewandowski, Trump campaign manager, and Dave Bossie, deputy campaign manager and member of the transition team, write about "the deep arrogance of power-hungry reptiles who think they're more important than the votes of more than 60 million people. & # 39;

Few members of the anti-Trump camp are spared from the condemnation by the perpetrators of those who have tried to thwart Trump's election to the presidency and disparage his achievements since – including former President Obama.

They describe how President Obama and President-elect Trump discussed at length in the Oval Office, stretching what should have been an hour-and-a-half meeting into a full-fledged session well over three hours.

& # 39; You may have seen photos of that day: all smiles, demotions, and friendly handshakes. By all accounts, President-elect Trump really enjoyed his meeting with President Obama this afternoon. These smiles were all sincere, at least from Trump.

On the way back to Trump Tower from LaGuardia, the elected president called Lewandowski from the secure phone of the car.

Corey took the call in Dave's office. Mr. Trump was delighted. It may have been the first time he spoke face to face with Obama.

Trump's enemies: how the deep state undermines the presidency exposes that those who insult the president have gone to undermine it and destroy it

Trump's enemies: how the deep state undermines the presidency exposes that those who insult the president have gone to undermine it and destroy it

Trump's enemies: how the deep state undermines the presidency exposes that those who insult the president have gone to undermine it and destroy it

They talked about Yankees, Cubs and ESPN. "It's an ordinary guy!" cried the elected president. Melania also enjoyed the visit by having tea with Michelle Obama at the White House residence. The two men then sat for a long time on the Truman balcony to discuss their backgrounds and their children.

However, there was one thing about the meeting that seemed strange to Trump.

President Obama had given him a unique tip – something that he had not asked for and that he did not really know what to do now that he had it.

& # 39; Not that Mr. Trump has bothered. He was about to enter the world's toughest job and Obama had been president for eight years. He learned from briefings with staff that it was customary for the current president to give advice to his successor.

"Obama offered this advice:" North Korea is your biggest threat to national security, "and then he said," Do not let anyone influence you on who to hire or not. "

"In light of these facts, the advice given by Obama to Trump took us by surprise. Obama had prefaced the advice – rather a harsh suggestion – by telling the boss that he should be smart when he made decisions about his staff.

"Do not listen to anyone trying to dissuade you from hiring whoever you want," the president said, according to Trump. However, he followed this statement with a strange twist. Something much more specific.

A few minutes after giving this advice, Obama asked Trump not to engage General Michael T. Flynn, one of the few people we were already seriously considering for a position in the administration.

"It's only by looking back that we can see how strange the suggestion was, especially considering what Obama knew about Flynn," write the authors.

"While President-elect Trump recalled his meeting with Obama that afternoon, we were tempted to think that Obama's dislike for Flynn was nothing more than a little trouble – something that he never should have said aloud but that eventually had no real consequences.

"We even played with the idea that Obama was just trying to get into Trump's head, thinking that he could put our administration on his heels early in spite of it.

& # 39; Knowing what we know today, this could have been the case. But it could also have been something much more sinister.

"We have little doubt that Obama has left his intelligence agencies out of control during his eight-year tenure, even going as far as to allow them implicitly or explicitly to monitor American citizens on their territory. national – not any citizen, except members of the Trump campaign.

People at the top of his government were more left-wing than in any other administration in history, and felt visibly threatened by the new Trump administration, say Lewandowski and Bossie.

Then elected President Trump and Melania are greeted by President Obama and First Lady Michelle at the White House on January 20, 2017 before the inauguration.

Then elected President Trump and Melania are greeted by President Obama and First Lady Michelle at the White House on January 20, 2017 before the inauguration.

Then elected President Trump and Melania are greeted by President Obama and First Lady Michelle at the White House on January 20, 2017 before the inauguration.

The meeting between the president and the president-elect was cordial, but the Obama message was ominous, say the authors

The meeting between the president and the president-elect was cordial, but the Obama message was ominous, say the authors

The meeting between the president and the president-elect was cordial, but the Obama message was ominous, say the authors

For the Obama intelligence community, such spying games were the rule rather than the exception, they say.

Now that Flynn was to enter and take the helm of the National Security Council, he would have access to the most sensitive intelligence in the country.

"It's not unreasonable to think that Obama knew that Flynn could denounce some of the misconduct committed by his intelligence services, particularly with respect to abusive practices in surveillance.

"He certainly knew that Flynn could undermine the permanent power structures of his intelligence agencies and undermine the bureaucracy he had helped to develop.

"Obama probably thought that he could convince Trump at a private meeting – whose details were never to flee – not to engage Flynn in the first place, the odds that his illegal espionage of US citizens never be revealed would be drastically reduced "

President Obama, possibly at the request of Deep State leaders, such as John Brennan, then CIA chief, and National Intelligence Director (DNI) James Clapper, would do everything in their power to leave no chance to Flynn.

President-elect Trump was ready to take control of the White House in a spirit of collaboration, retaining as many non-partisan employees as possible and reducing insults to the Liberals on Twitter.

The authors say that neither Clapper nor Brennan changed the course of history. This person was the man who, at a short meeting, was going to set in motion a plot to cause critical harm to the presidency: James Comey.

It is Comey who delivered to the elected president the damning file concocted by Christopher Steele.

"Bringing this file to his briefing with Trump, Comey turned the unverified fiction file into a" paper presented to the elected president at a private briefing with intelligence agencies.

"The fake press organizations could now make it seem like essential information.

"Comey had legitimized Fake News' fake file and license to print everything, which BuzzFeed did a day later. He admitted to doing so in his own memos, writing that CNN was waiting for the publication of an "information hook".

Unwittingly, Lewandowski was involved in the entire episode that had finally helped Reince Priebus to become the group's first chief of staff.

Corey assumed that the meeting he had organized would be relatively predictable – a meeting between Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, the host of a television show, and Donald in Trump Tower.

Curiously, Scarborough had never met Steve Bannon and wanted to come in to see him, as well as the president-elect, so he could give his opinion.

Corey assumed that the meeting that he had set up would be relatively predictable – a meeting between Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, the talk show host, and Donald Trump in Trump Tower.

Former Trump campaign director, Lewandowski, expresses it under the look of President Trump at a rally at Total Sports Park in Washington, Michigan on April 28, 2018

Former Trump campaign director, Lewandowski, expresses it under the look of President Trump at a rally at Total Sports Park in Washington, Michigan on April 28, 2018

Former Trump campaign director, Lewandowski, expresses it under the look of President Trump at a rally at Total Sports Park in Washington, Michigan on April 28, 2018

Curiously, Scarborough had never met Steve Bannon and wanted to come in to see him, as well as the president-elect, so he could give his opinion.

Corey could not have guessed how long these few minutes would be.

During the meeting, Joe and Mika lobbied for Reince to become chief of staff. They had also decided that Bannon would be much more effective if he acted as senior advisor or senior strategist rather than chief of staff.

We were as surprised as anyone was that Steve was willing to listen to their advice, given his declared hatred for anyone who makes a living by being on TV between 6 am and noon on the day of the week.

These were people he would usually call "Limousin liberals" or simply "establishment".

For Steve, the approval of these types of media was as significant as a participation trophy. And yet, at the end of this meeting, the structure of the Trump White House has changed.

Joe and Mika helped convince the elected president that Priebus should be the chief of staff, bringing in the bulk of his Republican National Committee team.

Steve Bannon went to the building with the title of "chief strategist" and did not even intend to hire a secretary.

From the beginning, the boss had wanted Kellyanne Conway to play a major role in the department of communication.

But she rejected it. Not unreasonably, Kellyanne thought she could better serve the chair as a counselor – a role that would allow her to have more information on the policies and general direction of the administration. On this point, she was right.

In the end, the boss understood her doubts about taking the role,

After Kellyanne, the president's favorite personalities were Kimberly Guilfoyle, Laura Ingraham or Monica Crowley, both of whom would have been quite capable choices.

You will not hear the media report this, of course, because it would upset their image of Trump as a person who does not respect strong women.

In one way or another, all these recommendations were lost in the reshuffle. Reince entertained them, but it was clear that he never really took them seriously. He wanted his associates to hold key positions and his choice was Sean Spicer.

Enemies of Trump: how the deep state undermines the presidency by Corey Lewandowski Dave Bossie is available on Amazon on November 27th.

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