How the full moon in Capricorn will affect the horoscope of the love of your zodiac sign this week, according to Astrology


It's time to break free.

On June 28, we will see the crucial and transforming full moon of Capricorn. It's the moon we've been waiting for since the end of January when our current eclipse cycle began. And that means good news for your zodiac sign, because your horoscope can only reveal so much to you.

In astrology, each eclipse cycle has a general theme, something to teach us or work during the six months that we are in transition. For many of us, the theme of liberation is the one that has permeated our lives over the last few months, and now, at the time of this full moon, we will begin to see things curled up and gather what was the ultimate goal all the way.

RELATED: How the nodes of the moon in your astrology chart reveal the true desires of each sign of the zodiac

This year was on track to be an important year for many of us; Being an "11" year in numerology, we knew that there would be many events and situations related to our love lives and our life goals that ultimately would help us go even further. further in our destiny.

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