How the latest Spider-Man game changes an iconic villain for the better


This article contains spoilers for Marvel's Spider-Man.

It is often said that a hero is as good as his best villain. By looking at popular comic book stories, it's easy to see that feeling happen every time. This year alone, we've seen fans gather around War of infinityThanos and Black PantherKillmonger as some of their favorite cartoon movies of all time.

Given the popularity of the edgy and darker superhero stories, the attention given to the antagonists is quite logical. Although traditionally colored comic characters can not often fall into moral flaws, the good enemy can push them to breaking point. How many times have Batman and the Joker pushed to the limit? How much Captain AmericaThe best stories focus on direct opposition to an authoritarian suzerain? Why is it impossible to make a The four fantastics movie without Doctor Doom?

As for Spider-Man, it's a bit more complicated to identify his iconic paper. Although the Green Goblin is considered the de facto villain by many, Venom represents a greater visual contrast and a much more popular choice for the most appropriate opponent of the webslinger.

venom spider-man

Spider-Man of Marvel, now available on PS4, does something different with the Spidey Rugs Gallery. All the marketing materials seemed to indicate that Mr. Negative, a relatively new addition to the comics, would be the main opposition of the player. Although his explosive powers and his visually distinct henchman are certainly at the rendezvous with exciting action sequences, Peter's mentor, Otto Octavius, is responsible for the emotional knot of the story.

When Otto was revealed as Peter's boss in one of the first missions, I definitely knew who would be the final boss of the game. I imagine that a lot of fans have felt the same way. But the secret identity of Dr. Octopus is not a significant shock; it's something that players are supposed to fear just as much as Spider-Man himself.

Otto is a nervous and gentle scientist when we meet him. He works proudly at Octavius ​​Industries and works to advance physical increases for people with disabilities. It is the work of his life, and he would sacrifice everything to see it materialize. And Peter Parker is right by his side all the time.

When Peter was a journalist or student in most big screen performances, his character was born of a keen interest in science. The very first Spider Man number introduces a teenager Parker to work among beakers and measuring cups. This is an aspect often neglected by modern stories, but if he was not bitten by a radioactive spider, there is a good chance that Peter has changed the world again as a revolutionary scientist.

Doc Ock

Spider Man find him juggling with his responsibilities as a superhero and scientist. As the game focuses on an experienced Spidey, Peter's personal life is weak. But where Aunt May could never scold him, and Mary Jane is comfortable cutting Peter out of his life for the most part, Otto does not hesitate to chastise his assistant. As the main character of the hero, Otto assumes the role of mentor and protector. He is considered the moral center of Peter in many ways.

Their relationship makes the rise of Dr. Octopus even more heartbreaking. Mayor Osborn strips Octavius ​​Industries of all its technology and funding, forcing the humble team to rebuild from scratch. At about the same time, Otto confesses that he is slowly losing control of his body. Succumbing to illness, stripped of his project of passion, disgraced: it is natural that Dr. Octavius ​​falls into despair.

Its moment bitten by a radioactive spider comes as it mingles with its mechanical members. Otto is warned that his mind may be affected. But Otto moves on. His intentions were always noble, but they were twisted by deep-rooted jealousy and long-standing grudges. As Spider-Man works to clean the streets of criminal gangs, Dr. Octopus is somewhere off-screen, working out a plan to train the Sinister Six and ravage New York.

With the Uncle Ben gone, Peter naturally finds solace in his relationship with Otto Octavius. Otto prepares Pete's research prowess, pushes him to be better and even offers support for the development of new Spider tools. Peter sees himself in Otto or sees at least the man he wants to be. It becomes particularly cruel to Ock, showing how easy it would be to corrupt everything Spider-Man does.

If Spider-Man is the best possible outcome of a smart kid with a gold heart with unique abilities, Doc Ock is the exact opposite. A man driven criminally mad by the power of his own creation, his character represents the toxic ideology of the egocentric altruism of the technological industry. Of course, Dr. Octopus said he wants to change the world, but does he really want to be recognized? Compare that to Spider-Man, who wears a mask while saving the city from countless threats and continues to work to make the world better as a civilian.

Dr. Octopus has been the center of some eminent Spider Man stories before, including his excellent portrait in Sam Raimi Spider-Man 2. He famously tried to marry Aunt May as a way to blackmail Peter and even occupied his body The Upper Spider-ManRun. But this game is by far the best use of the character. By directly comparing Peter with Otto and Spider-Man with Doctor Octopus, we consider the cost of each character's actions and recognize that Spidey's inherent desire to do good is truly his greatest strength.

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