How the Mueller probe could complicate Kavanaugh's confirmation


In the article, Kavanaugh argues that a sitting president should not be distracted by civil lawsuits or criminal investigations when he is in power. "Having seen first-hand how complex and difficult this job is, I think it's vital that the president can focus on his endless tasks with as little distraction as possible," he writes. "Going back to the late 1990s, for example, the nation would certainly have been better if President Clinton could focus on Osama bin Laden without being distracted by the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and its criminal ramifications." And he called that Congress consider passing a law to defer any civil lawsuit or criminal investigation against a president until he leaves office.

Notably, Kavanaugh does not pass the constitutional judgment on this subject. "The result obtained by the Supreme Court in the Clinton case c. Jones – that presidents are not constitutionally entitled to postpone civil suits – could have been quite correct; But he clearly makes his opinion personal: "The impeachment and trial of a sitting president, by the way, would paralyze the federal government, rendering it unable to function with credibility. in international or domestic arenas. What is particularly striking about Kavanaugh's opinion in this 2009 article is that it contradicts his work for Ken Starr, who investigated President Clinton. In the Whitewater / Lewinsky polls

As we wrote after Judge Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement last month, what sets this Supreme Court battle apart from that of Bush or Obama? is the Mueller probe. The 2016 presidential campaign – and the president himself – is the subject of an investigation for its possible links with Russian interests.

And if there is a significant development next month (another indictment, plea of ​​guilty or argument that the president should not be able to appoint a judge to the court who will probably have to decide on some aspects of the Mueller probe, and this becomes even more explosive given Kavanaugh's article in 2009.

Here's what the GOP and the Democratic senators said about the appointment of Kavanaugh

As mentioned above, here are the statements of the main GOP and Democratic senators published last night on Kavanaugh: Frank Collins, Ph.D., Garrett Haake and Rebecca Shabad of NBC:

  • Susan Collins: "Kavanaugh J. has an impressive track record and extensive experience, having served more than a decade at the DC Circuit Court of Appeal.I will conduct a thorough and thorough review of the President's candidate for the Supreme Court, as I am Did i fai t with the five previous Supreme Court justices I've considered. "
  • Lisa Murkowski:" I intend to review Judge Kavanaugh's decisions on "
  • Joe Donnelly: He said before Kavanaugh's choice that he declined a invitation to appear before the White House last night. announces "so that I can meet the candidate first in a setting where we can discuss his experience and perspectives."
  • Heidi Heitkamp (by a spokesperson): "She made it clear to the President Two weeks ago, she considers that one of the most important tasks of any US Senator is to submit nominations from the Supreme Court to a full review, and it plans to fulfill this critical duty. "
  • Joe Manchin: Dge Kavanaugh's Record, Legal Qualifications, Judicial Philosophy and, Particularly, His Perspective on Health Care The Supreme Court will finally decide if nearly 800,000 Virginians from the West with pre-existing conditions will lose their health care.This decision will directly affect nearly 40% of my condition, so I'm very interested in its position on the protection of Western Virginians with pre-existing conditions. "

Interest groups plan to spend millions for the confirmation fight

Ann Caldwell:" The Bitter Organization Icans for Prosperity, backed by Charles Koch, announced Monday that it would devote "seven figures" to local organization, the paid media and door-to-door in the ten states that Democrats are trying to defend in November. And other groups of political interest are planning a barrage of campaign advertisements as well as field field activities. Joe Donnelly, of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp, ​​North Dakota, and Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, will be the main Democrats. "

Plus:" Prior to Monday's announcement, those [Democrats] were already the target of at least the conservative Judicial Crisis Network, an umbrella organization that is campaigning for the confirmation of Trump's candidate. Advertising says, "extremists will lie and attack the candidate.

Trump continues to criticize NATO – in a tougher way than ever Vladimir Putin

Before traveling to Brussels, Belgium, for the NATO conference, the President Trump fired these tweets: [19659008] "Preparing to leave for Europe First meeting – NATO The United States spends much more than any other country to protect them, not just for the American taxpayer. more than that, we are losing $ 151 billion on trade with the European Union.Have us pay big tariffs (and barriers)! "

  • " NATO countries have to pay MORE, the United States Must Pay Less, Very Unfair! "
  • This NATO meeting has the potential to be a resumption of the G-7 meeting in Canada – after which Trump criticized the first Canadian Minister Trudeau and refused to sign the joint communiqué.

    Europe did not doubt that the interests and values ​​of the United States were fundamentally aligned with theirs, "said Daniel M. Price, President George W. Bush's international economic adviser, to the New York Times . "Now they are wondering if they can count on us in times of crisis without our first audit to see if they are up to date on their rents or royalties," said Mr. Price. "The decline in confidence is palpable."

    And President of the European Council Donald Tusk said this, by AP: "Dear America, appreciate your allies, after all you do not have that much."

    Another secret recording shakes Cagle-vs.-Kemp rudder runoff in Georgia

    "Lt. Governor Casey Cagle's campaign has already been shaken last month by the publication of the" Cagle-vs.-Kemp Ruffle in Georgia ". a secretly recorded conversation in which Cagle stated that he supported what he called "bad public policy" for political purposes.Cagle's opponent, Secretary of State Brian Kemp , published another excerpt from this conversation Monday, "writes the AP. In this 50-second play, Cagle can be heard frankly about the GOP primary's sharp turn to the right, saying that the five-man race came down to which had the biggest gun, which had the most big truck and that could be the craziest "Kemp said in a statement to the AP on Monday that the recently released record" exposes Cagle's real opinion about Republican voters in Georgia. " 19659002] The second round is July 24 and the winner faces Democrat Stacey Abrams. [19659006] Looking at the history of the Washington DC All-Star Game

    Finally, next week brings us the All-Star Game of the Major League Baseball, which takes place in Washington DC Frederic Frommer is looks at the history of the All-Star Game in the nation's capital. "81 years ago, on a hot July day in Washington, President Franklin D. Roosevelt went to the tiny stadium two miles northeast of the White House, escaping a political storm. on his own initiative. In the wake of its unpopular plan to "pack" the US Supreme Court with additional judges to get around a court that had hindered part of its New Deal Act, FDR found campaign adoration at the 1937 Star Game. "

    This afternoon marked the first time that Washington hosted the All-Star Game, and it would do so again in 1956, 1962 and 1969, with presidents playing a central role in three of the four games. In July, the Midsummer Classic returns to DC for the first time in nearly half a century. The White House has not yet said whether President Trump will throw the first pitch on July 17th. If so, he will continue a summer tradition begun by FDR, who died a year before Trump's birth in 1946. "

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