How the story of American horror: the director of Revelation, Sarah Paulson, closed the house of assassination


Now this It was the crossing episode we dreamed about.

American horror story: Apocalypse Just gave us just about everything we could have asked for on his return trip to Murder House. With the help of Madison (Emma Roberts) and here (Billy Porter), we saw Vivien (Connie Britton) and then (Dylan McDermott) revive their wedding! We saw Violet (Taissa Farmiga) and a Tate now without evil (Evan Peters) find their way together. We saw Moira (Frances Conroy) go ahead, be with her mother, who forgave her and thanked her for having unplugged her record. We also saw Ben cry while looking in the sun and masturbating, which we did not particularly ask, but we still have it!

Most importantly, we had the return of Jessica Lange in a sequence that can only be described as "And the Emmy Award for best actress in a limited series is awarded to … Jessica Lange." She took the sad story of Michael's childhood and his nascent serial killer and made his own little film, with the help of the director. Sarah Paulson, of course.

"I mean, it's not hard to get a lot out of Jessica Lange," Paulson told E! New. "I could watch Jessica Lange read the phone book, she could read the white pages and you would give her an Academy Award for that."

However, Lange did a lot more than just read the phone book tonight. She told Madison and Behold how she had done her best to raise Michael, believing that it was her duty and her call to be a mother. But he had a tendency to murder, and when he had spent a decade in one night, Constance was beginning to fear that he was killing her. For not having any luck, Constance took the initiative to organize a last little dance party with a cigarette, alcohol and a bunch of pills. Paulson said that the scene of death was his favorite scene.

"I filmed it in slow motion, I filmed it with different sizes and constant cam passes, we did it for a few hours and it was really amazing," she says. . "But the crew cheered almost every shot."

Lange performed her little dance over and over again, each time from a different angle for a different effect.

"It's part of different pieces of what we did, but we left the entire song playing in its entirety, and at the end of the song, she committed suicide," she says. "Our cameraman, as soon as we had finished the first shot, had tears in his eyes and was like, it 's so sad, so you know, it' s when you know you 've got it. But it's not hard to realize that when Jessica is the star. "

Paulson and Lange have been friends and colleagues for a long time, although Paulson never directed Lange before. She ended up finding that there was not much direction she needed to do.

"I just think she's so beautiful in this episode, I think it's incredibly moving, and the thing about Jessica is that you just put the camera on her and the rest is done." It's just right for you because it brings a lot to the table, "she says. "But I gave Jessica Lange a word or two, and I never thought I'd end up in a position where someone would want me to do that. […] It was intimidating, but it made it so easy. "

Paulson says that all the actors made their debut as a very easy director, especially considering the episode they were part of.

"I think they were all as excited as I had to be part of this particular episode because they know how important it is for the franchise and what it means for all these people." C & # 39; so they fell in love with the series with it, and bringing them back there was very exciting and I felt kind of reinforced by the responsibility that was given to me to do it, "she says. "Because Ryan was saying, basically, I'm showing you the biggest episode of the season, and I'm doing it because I trust you, and I think it's a big vote of confidence, especially for someone." One who has never done this before, and he has given me a heavy load to carry, I will say. "

Much of this "heavy burden" was to bring a sense of meeting and closure to a group of ghosts and their devoted fans.

"It was not written in the screenplay that Madison closed the doors at the end of the episode, but it's me who did that to Emma. We handled the door for that. She quits when she did, "she explains. "Now that Tate and Violet have been reunited, Madison is sort of closing it up and saying, let them have peace, let all the residents who are settled in. The theme of the episode is often the closure and freedom, you know, the character of Moira and her mother, and the end of the life of Jessica's character, and Violet and Tate finding each other for one, and they are locked in this house until the end of time, and I think we now have a little more resolution as to where they are all and what it looks like for them. "

Even if a second return to Murder House is not out of the question this season (as we do not yet know how the house or its ghosts behaved in the apocalypse), Paulson wanted the story of the ghosts of the home feels a little complete.

"I wanted to have the feeling of closing the doors and having a little feeling – even if it's horrible, of what happened in this house, you have a very little hope for them. . "

With the reaction of the fans in her mind, there were also small moments that she was careful to include, such as the look that Tate and Violet shared when the doors closed.

"There is a version of things in a montage, where it was not so long ago between them when they finally looked at each other, and I just said that I had to have those beats out there, because the public has been waiting for this for so long, "she says. "For example, let's give them an extra moment to look at them looking at each other.This will hold.I think people will want to see it.Sometimes it's good to have the thoughts of the fans in my head, because I If you're still here eight seasons later, it's because of what this season has been for people, so it's a responsibility to try to do it right for them. "

So, at least for the moment, the people of Murder House are as happy as they ever will be, and this crossing season has officially kept its promise … and we are not even halfway there.

American horror story: Apocalypse Wednesdays at 10 pm on FX.

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