How the striking cover of Christine Blasey Ford by Time magazine has become


FOR THE last cover of Time, Christine Blasey Ford is a woman of speech.

The magazine has chosen to highlight the controversy surrounding Brett M. Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, with a portrait of Ford, the California professor who accused him of sexual assault in the early 1980s, while they were both students from the Maryland Pre-School; Kavanaugh denied the allegations.

This is how John Mavroudis, an artist from the San Francisco Bay Area, created a multicolored topography collage. The October 15 cover story – describing Ford's inauguration for his hearing before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate last week – is based on the words of his own testimony.

"The testimony of Christine Blasey Ford has hit me a lot," Mavroudis told the Washington Post's Comic Riffs. "I had so many emotions – but especially the trauma that she had just experienced.

"I think everyone knows someone who has had an experience similar to what they've experienced," he adds to Ford. "Many do not know that they are the family or friends of someone who has experienced this."

When it comes to channeling his emotions into this illustration, he states, "I have read the transcript of the testimony and this has brought back, even in written form, much of his pain.

"I drew up a list of hard-hitting quotes and started placing them where I thought they belonged," he continues. "The" engraved in my memory "and" laughter ", which she spoke so loudly [about], belonged to his forehead. The message "I tried to cry for help" was on his lips. But I finally moved the word "help" to a more solitary, but striking part: its white teeth surrounded by black.

The artist – who created a typography two years ago Trump portrait for the nation – also points out that his artistic distillation of Ford reflects current events but not the woman.

"When everything was created and I finally finished, I think I have the essence of what I wanted to convey," he says. "Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's life is not that one. She is a much richer and more complex human being. We are all. But I think that reflects the moment we are at this moment.

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