How to avoid being hacked monday cyber


And yet, only 15% of Americans worry about cybersecurity when shopping online, according to a separate report released by ExpressVPN, another VPN service provider.

About 2 out of 3 respondents said that the convenience of online shopping during the holidays outweighed the risk of a possible data breach, according to the study of Cyber ​​Security. 39, University of Phoenix on the dangers of cyber security for purchases made during the holidays.

In addition, more than three-quarters of those surveyed admitted to having "bad online habits" – including using the same password for multiple accounts, allowing social media and apps to access personal information, and storing personal information. credit card online. The University of Phoenix surveyed 2,000 adults in April and May, of which 859 were hacked over the past three years.

"A considerable number of people are free of their contacts and have no fancy when it comes to interacting with retailers during the holiday season," Levin said.

But if you do not pay attention, "you will become the gift that continues to give," he added.

Levin and other cybersecurity experts offer these tips to avoid online scams on cyber days Monday and every day:

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