How to avoid the flu while traveling


INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Getting ready to travel is always exciting but it can also be stressful. From the packing to the planning the last thing you want to get sick.

As you take that much needed to get to the beaches, you can not get germs.

Doctors say airplanes are places where you can be vulnerable.

"You might be shedding virus or influenza you've been exposed to," said Mary Kay Foster, the special pathogens program manager at IU Health.

She said that's why the virus can spread quickly.

"The infections could be anywhere in 24 hours," Foster said. "Just from how easy it is to get around the world and be spreading and not knowing that you're infectious."

She has some tips on how to stay sick on the plane.

"Carry your hand sanitizer, your Kleenex." "If you get to feel bad when you're in the airport or on the airplane, let's get to know someone else. I do not feel good. '"

If you're feeling it's going to be a doctor. Foster said if symptoms are severe, that's when you get checked out.

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