How to choose the right diet


By looking at a library or website, you will quickly learn that there are literally thousands of choices regarding diets.

Some are traditional, some are new and some are a combination of both.

Which diet is right for you? How do you know that the diet you are taking will be healthy? Low fat? Low carbohydrate? Detoxification? Raw food?

The first thing to do is to check with your doctor or dietician the possibilities available to you. He or she will want to do a physical exercise unless you have a recent one and will discuss your specific health needs with regard to a diet.

One thing to keep in mind, no matter what diet you choose, is the nutritional value. If you do not eat healthy along the way, it does not matter if you lose 30 or 40 pounds. A crash diet can only starve your body of necessary nutrients. So, eat healthy when you are dieting.

Do not expect miracles overnight. Putting on weight takes time, commitment and planning. This requires a lifestyle change. You may not be used to exercising or eating healthy foods, but it's a must if you want to lose weight and keep it off. The idea is not to starve yourself, it is to become healthy.

If you eat well, exercise, rest and eat moderate portions, you should lose weight. Keep a diary before and after food you eat. Compare. You will notice a big difference in the way you treated your body before and during your diet.

Resting is another key problem. Our bodies are not machines that work constantly. We have to rest to work and go to everyday life. With a busy and stressful schedule, rest is a crucial aspect of dieting. The rest is not lazy. This is what our bodies are supposed to do when we are tired and stressed. Even if you do not want to sleep long hours or take naps all day long, just sitting in a comfortable chair or lying down with your eyes closed in a quiet room can do wonders for you.

Try to eat natural foods whenever you can. Try to eat healthy snacks. Drink more water. Cut out the sugar, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine. If you lose weight but fill your body with poisons, you have overcome the goal of trying to live a healthier life.

Tammy Ruggles

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