How to get Naloxone, an antidote for an opioid overdose, in Maryland


While the opioid epidemic continues to generate an impressive number of deaths, Marylanders may consider having an antidote for overdoses called naloxone.

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The drug comes in the form of a nasal spray, called Narcan, or an injection, called Evzio. FDA-approved prescription drugs can counteract the lethal effects of an opioid-related overdose.

In June 2017, the Maryland Assistant Secretary of Public Health issued a standing order for the state of naloxone. This means that pharmacies are allowed to sell the drug to anyone, without the need for a paper or electronic prescription.

However, not all pharmacies stock naloxone. The Maryland Department of Health recommends anyone interested in purchasing the drug to call a pharmacy first to find out if it is in stock.

The Department of Health's website provides a free training schedule, which usually includes a free take-home naloxone dose, offered throughout the state by the Maryland Overdose Response Program. The website also includes a directory of authorized training entities across the state.

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