How to get rid of sunburn: Use a cream containing aloe vera to treat sore skin


Sunburn is when the skin turns red and can start to flake and peel after a few days.

Caused by ultraviolet rays, it usually does not last long, but it can be painful and tender and cause great discomfort. [19659002Whenyouhavechildbackwhenyou'reoutofthewayyouhavetogetasapfulawayaspossibleandyou'regoingtobeinsideadarkenedarea

The NHS recommends several ways to relieve symptoms at home – One puts on the cream containing a particular ingredient.

He recommends: "Use lotions containing aloe vera to soothe and moisturize your skin."

Aloe vera has long been known for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. 19659002] Other ways of relieving the symptoms, recommended by the body, include refreshing the skin by bathing or showering cold, mopping with cold water or soaking it. in a cold flannel and drinking plenty of fluid and prevent dehydration.

You can also take p ainkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, to relieve pain. But children under 16 should not receive aspirin.

Once you have been burned by the sun, you should try to avoid sunlight, including through the windows, covering the affected areas until they are completely healed. Sunburn can increase the risk of developing skin problems later, such as aging, so it is important to follow the methods of prevention.

Wearing proper clothing and applying sunscreen can protect your skin from powerful UV rays. the risk of sunburn is highest from March to October, especially from 11 am to 3 pm – the sun's rays are the strongest.

Sunburn can also increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

The signs of skin cancer usually appear on the surface of the skin after exposure to the sun.

The most common symptom of melanoma – a type of skin cancer – is the appearance of a new mole.

Skin cancer without melanoma may appear as a mass on the skin, or a zone of skin pauses and crusts or bleeding.

Both can occur anywhere on the body. and legs in women.

The earlier the skin cancer, the easier it is to treat.

Other methods of skin cancer prevention include wearing a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses blocking the UV. your entire body 30 minutes before going out and examining your skin from head to toe every month.

When it's a melanoma, Cancer Research UK says that if your mole grows, changes shape, changes color, loses its symmetry, itches or pain, bleeds or crusts , or seems inflamed, you sh Consult your doctor immediately.

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