How to get the flu shot without insurance because everyone should be protected


Every year, experts say that the best way to avoid getting the flu is to get vaccinated, but not everyone has health insurance to cover the vaccine. Does this mean that these people are not going without preventive care? No way. Everyone should be protected against seasonal viruses and, in this spirit, the flu vaccine is available if you pay for it directly. According to LifeHacker, your local pharmacy is the cheapest place to get vaccinated without insurance, Costco being generally the cheapest at $ 19.99. Do not worry; you do not need a Costco subscription to get a flu shot, says LifeHacker. Just tell the door clerk that you're here for the pharmacy, and they're supposed to let you in.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also has a convenient vaccine search tool that allows you, among other vaccinations, to get vaccinated against the flu. According to Fortune, the cost of an influenza vaccine varies tremendously depending on the type of vaccine, from $ 20 to Costco at over $ 40. If you are paying out of pocket for the flu shot, the best thing to do is to call your local health department and pharmacies to find out where it is offered and for how much.

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You can also get vaccinated against the flu without insurance:

  • Costco – The seasonal quadrivalent vaccine costs $ 19.99 and WalletHacks says you do not need to be a Costco member to use his pharmacy.
  • Walmart – Trivalent, quadrivalent and high dose strains are available in most countries and automatic payment is accepted.
  • CVS / Target – The seasonal flu vaccine costs $ 40.99 at CVS. Target's in-house clinics are CVS clinics, so Target's shotgun vaccines have the same price, only you can sometimes get coupons and discounts at Target when you receive your CVS vaccine located in a target.
  • Walgreens – The seasonal flu vaccine is $ 40.99 for the standard dose at Walgreens and $ 69.99 for the high dose, recommended for people 65 years and older.
  • Your county health department – According to LifeHacker, some county health departments offer free flu shot clinics, so check with yours if they plan to hold one this season.
  • Your employer – LifeHacker also says some employers offer free flu vaccines. Even if you do not participate in their insurance plan, you could still be vaccinated against the flu.

According to the CDC, influenza vaccine is the single most important measure you can take to protect yourself against the flu, especially because it protects you from three or four of the most common strains of flu virus. Even though this season's vaccine does not quite match this season's strain, says the CDC, if you get sick, your symptoms will be much less serious than they would have been if you had not received it. the flu vaccine. .

It can be very difficult to juggle health care costs without insurance, but I hope this will give you the options you need to protect yourself this season. Not only are there automatic payment options in a price range, but there may even be free options available from your local health department. Anyway, everyone should be protected from the flu every season.

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