How to live longer: Best diet to prevent premature death


According to the NHS, a balanced diet, including at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, could reduce the risk of premature death.

You can also increase your life by exercising regularly. This is the "miracle cure" we all expected, he added.

Small changes in diet or lifestyle are all that is needed to increase your life expectancy and prevent premature death.

According to scientists, anti-inflammatory nutrition is one of the best plans to prevent premature death.

An anti-inflammatory diet could reduce the risk of death of patients from cardiovascular disease or cancer, revealed Swedish scientists from the Karolinska Institute.

According to a study, the diet has reduced the risk of premature death by 18% in nearly 70,000 people.

Their risk of cardiovascular death has been reduced by 20%.

The risk of death from cancer was also 13% lower.

Scientists believe that people who smoke were even more likely to benefit from the anti-inflammatory diet.

Researcher Joanna Kaluza from Warsaw University said, "Our analysis of the dose-response relationship has shown that even partial adherence to the anti-inflammatory diet can have a beneficial effect on health."

An anti-inflammatory diet could consist of fruits and vegetables, tea, coffee, whole grain bread, breakfast cereals, low-fat cheese and olive oil .

Patients could also snack on nuts and chocolate while drinking a moderate amount of red wine or beer.

The diet is rich in antioxidants, which help eliminate free radicals in the body.

Free radicals damage healthy cells while increasing the risk of certain diseases.

An anti-inflammatory diet could also be beneficial for patients with arthritis or suffering from back pain.

If you choose to join the diet, you should avoid red meat, organs, chips and soft drinks unprocessed and processed, the scientists said.

Regular exercise is also a crucial aspect to improve overall health and help you live longer.

People who exercise regularly have 50% less risk of developing type 2 diabetes and some cancers, the NHS said.

This can even reduce by 35% the risks of coronary heart disease and stroke.

All British adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week.

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