How to prepare your family for the flu season


A shooter The CDC reminded the public to prepare for the flu season by getting vaccinated. Public health officials have also issued a three-step measure to prevent the spread of the disease. ( LuAnn Hunt | pixabay )

Summer is coming to an end and autumn is upon us. This means that the flu season, characterized by coughing and runny nose or stuffy nose, is about to begin.

However, as flu and the like spread in cold weather, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention advised the public to start preparing now. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

Here are the three steps to fight the flu, according to the CDC.

To get vaccinated

The first thing you can do to prevent infection is to get vaccinated. The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that all children and adults, with the exception of those with other health problems, be vaccinated against the flu.

Health workers, pregnant women, children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart and lung disease are at high risk for severe influenza.

Babies under 6 months old are exempt because they are too young for the vaccine. People around them should be vaccinated instead of protecting children against the flu.

Public health officials advise the public to get vaccinated before the end of October or before the flu season hits their community. People should get vaccinated every year.

"The sooner you get the vaccine, the faster your body will develop immunity, at least its protection against it, so the sooner the better," said Jason Bryant, medical director of Premier Urgent Care.

The CDC has also listed the nasal spray vaccine this year as a preventative measure for people who are afraid of needles and who have not been vaccinated. Influenza vaccines will be available in all pharmacy chains for $ 20 to $ 70 from this month.

Do not spread germs

The second step is to help stop the spread of the virus by limiting physical contact with people who are not infected with the flu. In case of illness, it is best that the patient stays at home to recover. The CDC recommends that patients be isolated inside their home until 24 hours after the end of fever.

The use of handkerchiefs, hand washing and disinfection of items and surfaces are also necessary steps to prevent the spread of the disease. The CDC has published a brochure detailing preventive measures to fight the flu.

Take antiviral medication as prescribed

Most flu symptoms go away without the need for antibiotics. However, antiviral drugs can help patients recover faster. According to previous studies, antiviral drugs work better two days after contracting the flu, but taking them a few days later can still make all the difference.

The flu season in the United States is in the fall and winter. The number of infected people peaks between December and March, when it is cold and the virus is developing. Between 2017 and 2018, 30,453 laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalizations were registered across the country.

Flu symptoms include coughing, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, fever, chills, headache, diarrhea, and fatigue.

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