How to prevent sunburn but take advantage of the heat wave we are currently experiencing


This is not a good look and is not good for you at all (Image: Imgur)

We are in the middle of a heat wave that shows no sign of departure with temperatures approaching 30 ° C.

With that comes the potential for some very embarrassing tanlines and bright red skin.

But there are ways to enjoy the sun and avoid having red to the face (or other parts of the body).

And remember … The sunscreen is not the only way to prevent you from burning yourself.

You can do a lot to stay safe in the sun (Photo: Getty)

How can you stay safe in the sun?

First of all, when buying a sunscreen, make sure that it is suitable for your skin and blocks both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B rays. (UVB).

Kat continued: "When you choose a sunscreen, you want to use one that is a minimum 15 factor.

"The higher factor you use the higher protection you will have."

Choose a factor between 15 and 50 (Photo: Getty Images)

However, it's not just about the factor, make sure the product has UVA in a circular logo with at least four UVA protection stars.

Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving home, and reapply at least every two hours, more often if you jump into the sea or sweat a lot.

According to the NHS, about 35 ml (6-8 teaspoons) of sunscreen is needed to cover the body of a medium-sized adult and reach the indicated SPF.

Kat added, "People forget where they put sunscreen, places like the top of their ears, the backs of their necks.

This week could be the hottest day of the year (Image: PA)

"Or if you go a bit thin on the top, people can forget to put it on their scalp, so pay attention to these areas.

When you put it on, do not rub it too hard. It must form a barrier on your skin, so soften it.

If you bought sunscreen last year, make sure that it has not expired, and avoid leaving it in direct sunlight.

Remember that you are always exposed to the sun when you do not tan, so wearing sunscreen every day during the summer months on exposed areas is highly recommended by health professionals.

But you should not only rely on sunscreen, wear a hat, sunglasses and light clothing.

In the UK, the risk of sunburn is highest from March to October between 11am and 3pm, so try to take breaks in the shade.

How to manage the sunburn

1) Focus on cooling

You have just been out in the sun for hours. So, you must begin to cool your body internally and externally.

Drinking plenty of water will stop dehydration.

The American Academy of Dermatology also recommends putting a cold compress on your skin, such as a damp flannel, for 10-15 minutes a day to remove some of the heat from the burn.

2) Moisturizers

Aloe vera in creams can be of great help (Photo: Getty)

This should be your first stop once the sun begins to appear.

"Soothing moisturizers can help relieve the pain of already sunburned skin," says Matthew Gass of the British Association of Dermatologists at

So, get a tan on this after-sun pronto.

3) But not those with certain chemicals

The American Academy of Dermatology says that moisturizers are excellent, especially those with aloe vera, which will help with skin healing.

But oil, benzocaine or lidocaine are ingredients that you should watch for. Oil traps heat under the skin and lidocaine and benzocaine can irritate the area.

So, basically, you should definitely avoid Vaseline, which contains oil. At all costs.

(Photo: Prateek Bahl / Flickr)

4) Avoid the soap

Hard soaps can dry out and irritate already inflamed skin. And nobody wants that.

Try a softer one.

Avoid soapy baths and do not scrub your skin after cleansing yourself, otherwise you could risk an infection by breaking the skin.

5) Anti-inflammatories

(Image: Getty)

Painkillers can be a real life savior here if the pain of your sunburn is too much. We have all been unable to move without doubling because of agony because our skin is rubbing on our clothes.

More: UK

Matthew points out that only time and patience will allow a sunburn to be completely better, taking up to a week or more depending on the severity of the burn,

"Anti-inflammatory medications can help relieve pain and redness. After that, it's a game of waiting, "he says.

6) Beware of signs of severe sunburn or other heat-related conditions

If you have any of these symptoms and that they are serious, it is at that time that you should consult your doctor.

They include, according to the NHS:

  1. Blistering or swelling of the skin
  2. Chills
  3. High temperature of 38C (100.4F) or higher, or 37.5C ​​(99.5F) or higher in children under five years
  4. Dizziness, headache and feeling unwell

MORE: The symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion – plus what is the heat eruption and thorny heat?

7) Avoid the urge to pop these blisters

Ooo, it's a bad one (Photo: Getty)

If you have blisters, do not pop them. If you do, they may be infected or leave permanent scars.

Leave them alone.

8) Or, you know, do not get burned

We can not blame you for thinking that it might be a little too late for this at this point.

But we tried to contact some experts, and for some it was the the advice they gave us.

"The most important message would be not to be burned in the first place," said Caroline Newton of the Skin Cancer Research Fund at

"If your skin is red, itchy and painful, it is already damaged.

"Prevention is better than a cure.

"Having an incidence of sunburn can increase the chances of getting skin cancer later in life."

Well, we guess now that you know for next time …

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